Queen of Pain - Dota 2 Wiki
Queen of Pain relishes in the pain inflicted, healing every time the enemy takes damage. Creeps heal for half the damage only. Causes Shadow Strike to become a 375 AoE Spell, and have …
D2PT - Queen of Pain Meta Item Builds - Dota2ProTracker
Queen of Pain Dota 2 Matches and Meta Builds for 7.38b. Find out how pros play Queen of Pain and what the best item & skill build is.
Queen of Pain - Dota 2
Queen of Pain returns spell damage back to enemies. Hurls a poisoned dagger which deals large initial damage, and then deals damage over time. The poisoned unit has its movement speed …
Queen of Pain/Counters - Dota 2 Wiki
Chronosphere prevents Queen of Pain from escaping with Blink, and her low survivability makes her an easy kill. Time Dilation will prevent Queen of Pain from using her low-cooldown spells …
Queen of Pain Ranged, Carry, Escape, Nuker - Dotabuff
View Queen of Pain statistics, top players, and guides on Dotabuff.
Queen of Pain DOTA 2 Hero Guides on DOTAFire
Find all Queen of Pain stats and find build guides to help you play DOTA 2.
Queen of Pain/Guide - Dota 2 Wiki
QoP is a decent right-clicker thanks to her above-average 1.5 base attack time; and benefits from damage enough to justify any damage item like Desolator, Monkey King Bar or Mjollnir, but …
Queen of Pain - Guides - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats
Find constantly updated Queen of Pain guides from the top performances of the week. Each guide includes item builds, ability builds, timings and more.
Queen of Pain › Guides | STRATZ - Dota 2 Stats
Learn to play Queen of Pain with these Immortal-tier Guides. Choose from a wide range of Guides that are always up to date. Filter by position, faction, and more to find a Guide that …
Queen of Pain Dota 2 Guide: How to Become the Ultimate Queen …
2024年5月3日 · QoP will become a better right-clicker with Assault Cuirass because it speeds up her attacks and weakens the armor of opponents. It works best when late in the game you …