Dolgans - Wikipedia
Dolgans (Russian: Долганы; Dolgan: долган, дулҕан, Һака, romanized: dolgan, dulğan, haka ; Yakut: тыа-киһи, romanized: tıa-kihi) are a Turkicized Tungusic ethnic group who mostly inhabit Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia.
Dolgan language - Wikipedia
The Dolgan language is a severely endangered Turkic language with 930 speakers, [2] spoken in the Taymyr Peninsula in Russia. [3] . The speakers are known as the Dolgans. The word "Dolgan", derived from Evenki, means 'tribe living on the middle reaches of the river'. This is most likely signifying the geographical location of the Dolgan tribe. [4]
Dolgan | Nomadic Reindeer Herders, Siberian Arctic, Taimyr …
Dolgan, Turkic-speaking people constituting the basic population of the Taymyr autonomous okrug, which is far above the Arctic Circle in north-central Russia. They numbered about 6,000 in the late 20th century. The Dolgan migrated to the area …
Dolgan - Religion and Expressive Culture - World Culture …
At the basis of traditional Dolgan beliefs is the veneration of nature and of a multitude of spirits that control the hunt, the increase and safety of humans and cattle, and the preservation of life and the family hearth.
Dolgan - Encyclopedia.com
2018年6月8日 · On the Taimyr Peninsula the Dolgans are the most numerous indigenous ethnic group. A few dozen Dolgans also live in Yakutia, on the lower reaches of the River Anabar. Generally, the languages of the indigenous peoples of the Eurasian Arctic and subarctic can be grouped into four classes: Uralic, Manchu-Tungus, Turkic, and Paleo-Siberian.
Tundra aristocrats - This is Taimyr
Dolgans were called aristocrats of the tundra for the beauty of their clothes. The Dolgans is one of the titular and numerous peoples of Taimyr: about 5000 people live here. And the youngest one – it was formed during the XVIII-XIX centuries.
Dolgany - Encyclopedia.com
The Dolgans are one of approximately thirty "Numerically Small Peoples of the North" in Russia. The Numerically Small Peoples are indigenous groups who have lived in the Far North for thousands of years, relying on the land and its natural resources to …
Dolgan Religion - Encyclopedia.com
The Dolgans are a small, Turkic-speaking nationality living on the Taimyr Peninsula in northern Siberia. Their primary occupations are hunting and fishing; they also breed a small number of domesticated reindeer, which are utilized as means of transport during nomadic migration.
Dolgans - ArcticPhoto - Facts
The Dolgans live on the Taymyr Peninsula in the central Siberian Arctic. They number about 7,000 and nowadays, they are mainly to be found living in settlements along the Dudypta, Kheta and Khatanga Rivers as well as the shores of Khatanga Bay. The Dolgans have the youngest Arctic culture, which only was recognised in the 19th Century.
Dolgans | SIL in Eurasia
Ethnic Groups: Dolgans; Language: Dolgan (alternate names: Dolgang, Haka) Language Family: Turkic, Northern; Language status: 6b (Threatened) Ethnic population: 7,900; Location: Russian Federation: Dudinka and Khatange counties, perhaps Sakha. Religion: Ethnic religion; Occupations: herding, market gardening (vegetables), game hunting