Created for all activity levels, FULLFORCE's sleek, low profile and exceptionally light weight have made it the go-to prefabricated brace for competitive and recreational athletes of all kinds. …
DonJoy FullForce Knee Brace
The DonJoy FullForce knee brace provides complete protection of the ACL for athletes who don’t want to loose speed by weighing themselves down with a heavy brace.
DonJoy OA FullForce Knee Brace
The DonJoy OA FullForce off-loads the affected compartment of the knee while reducing ligament strain. 3-Point Off-Loading mechanically shifts the painful joint loads from the degenerative …
DonJoy FULLFORCE Ligament Knee Brace - ACL & CI
The DonJoy FullForce Knee Brace is designed for individuals with ACL injuries or those at risk of combined instabilities (CI) from ACL and PCL injuries. It provides strong medial and lateral …
Donjoy FullForce Ligament Knee Brace - DME-Direct
The Donjoy FullForce Ligament Knee Brace is designed to protect the ligaments of the knee, especially the ACL, from injury. The Fullforce brace combines Donjoy's proven 4-Points-of …
- 评论数: 9
膝关节矫形器 - FullForce™ - DonJoy/东正科技 - 固定膝盖韧带 /
FullForce 针对所有活动级别而设计,时尚、低调和超轻的重量使其成为竞技和娱乐运动员的首选预制支架。 以 Donjoy 的膝盖保证计划™ 为支持,这是行业首个为 框架和铰链提供预制支撑 1 …
DonJoy FULLFORCE Knee Brace Overview | Enovis
See why the DonJoy FULLFORCE Knee Brace is the go-to, off-the-shelf knee brace for those who enjoy golf, tennis, basketball and other court or non-contact sports.
DonJoy FULLFORCE ACL Ligament Knee Brace - Rehab Store
DonJoy FULLFORCE ACL Ligament Knee Brace design combines two clinically-proven DonJoy technologies in one. FourcePoint hinge dampens knee joint extension, which increases flexion …
- 评论数: 1
DonJoy FullForce Knee Support Brace: Short Calf Length, ACL …
2014年10月31日 · The DonJoy FullForce ligament knee brace is exceptionally lightweight and provides complete ACL protection. Helps improve your natural gait by applying progressive …
Enovis - FullForce™
FullForce incorporates DonJoy’s patented 4-Points-of-Leverage design and the FourcePoint hinge design technology, making it suitable for ACL instabilities. Indications: Moderate to severe …