DONA Foundation
The DONA Foundation is a non-profit organization established in Geneva, Switzerland. What do we do? We foster Digital Object Architecture standards that enable interoperability between information systems, and make reference software implementations publicly available for further development and adoption.
Member Services — INPO
INPO supports all members in building and sustaining operational excellence from license issuance and nuclear construction to commercial operations and throughout the life of the plant. Our members include utilities operating commercial nuclear plants in North America, China, Romania, South Africa, and UAE.
DONA基金会 - 百度百科
DONA基金会是在联合国ITU(国际电信联盟)合作下注册在瑞士日内瓦的全球性国际组织,致力于推动数字对象体系架构的应用,并负责全球Handle系统的运营与管理。 DONA基金会是依据瑞士法律设立的非盈利机构,通过由瑞士管辖,寻求获得国际社会的广泛认同,除了遵守瑞士的法律以外,不受制于任何一个国家,为公众利益而独立运营。 DONA基金会内部设有理事会,由来自全球的技术能力过硬、具有高度责任感和杰出成就的优秀人才出任理事, 中国互联网协会 常务副 …
The Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) is a unique place to work because no other organization in the world — be it private, public, governmental, for-profit, or non-profit — does what we do. For more than 40 years, INPO has focused on a clear mission:
INPO has issued several documents that address various aspects of performance improvement in addition to AP-903, Performance Improvement Process Description. These include Principles for Effective Self-assessment and Corrective Action Programs, December 1999 and INPO 97-011, Guidelines for the Use of Operating Experience. Individually these
三个关键词解读昨日成立的核电运行研究院 - 网易
2020年7月7日 · 同年,美国核电运行研究院成立,INPO目前已经从少量借调人员构成的小组织,发展成为超过数百名核电运行经验丰富的专家构成的大组织。 这个组织有多出名的,比如各家核电会对标几个指标: 国际WANO(世界核电营运者组织)指标. 法国EDF安全挑战赛指标. 美国INPO(美国核电运行研究所)综合指数. 美国EUCG(单位运行维修成本)指标. 而核电运行研究院主要围绕 核电厂共性管理和共性技术问题开展科技研发、管理创新以及绩效提升 等工作,助 …
MPA联合体 - mpacn.net
DONA是DONA Foundation的缩写,中文名称为“数字对象规范命名机构,2014年,DONA由国际电信联盟(ITU)与美国国家研究创新机构(CNRI)共同发起,在瑞士日内瓦正式注册成立,是非政府间、非盈利性国际组织。
About Us Overview — INPO
Discover our mission, values, and the unique role we play in promoting safety and reliability across the global nuclear power industry. Who are we? INPO’s members include utilities operating commercial nuclear plants in North America, China, Romania, South Africa and UAE.
Senior Program Manager, New Nuclear - LinkedIn
Supporting new entrants in the nuclear power industry and existing members to promote safety and reliability in the development, construction, and operation of commercially deployed advanced ...
- 职位: Supporting new entrants in the …
- 位置: Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO)
- 500+ 连接数
关于DONA的一些理解与解读 - CSDN博客
2016年9月7日 · dona提出的跨域转发策略可以有效地节约ip地址资源,因为内容是绑定在rh上的,而rh的规模远小于整个内容数量或者主机数量的规模,因此可以在rh上使用共有地址,而在rh管理的域内大量使用内部地址。
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