Donkey castration – Large Animal Surgery – Supplemental Notes
Donkeys are not just small horses! They tend to be more resistant to handling, anesthesia drugs and hemostasis. Plan on needing more patience, more drugs and suture. This vet talks through two castrations in different situations and different attitude donkeys. Watch on youtube.
Surgery - Donkey - WikiVet English
This section offers an overview of the types of surgery commonly performed at The Donkey Sanctuary. A standard equine surgical text should be consulted for a more detailed explanation of the surgical techniques discussed. References to surgeries specific to …
A novel orchiectomy surgical procedure in donkeys ( Equus asinus ...
We describe a novel surgical procedure for orchiectomy in Donkeys using a parascrotal access that promoted less risk of bleeding, shorter period of edema, and healing time, but required longer surgery time.
Guide to donkey castration | The Donkey Sanctuary
2018年11月10日 · The optimum age for castration of the donkey is 6-18 months. The following considerations relate specifically to castration surgery in the donkey: If the donkey is less than two years old and both testicles have descended, closed castration using …
Donkey Castration - Buckingham Equine Vets
Castration of donkeys requires special care because donkeys have a larger blood supply to the testicles compared with horses and as such are at greater risk of bleeding post-surgery. For this reason most donkey castrations are performed under general anaesthesia (GA), to allow a ligature (secure suture) to be placed around the blood vessels.
CASTRATION SURGERY IN DONKEYS1 The following considerations relate specifically to castration surgery in the donkey: The larger than normal vessels in the donkey require ligation (see constrictor knot below), which can lead to an increased risk …
Surgery - The Donkey Sanctuary
This chapter offers an overview of the types of surgery commonly performed at The Donkey Sanctuary. A standard equine surgical text should be consulted for a more detailed explanation of the surgical techniques discussed. References to surgeries specific to the donkey are included at the end of the chapter.
Castration - Donkey - WikiVet English
In theory, castration of the very young donkey can easily be done under sedation and local anaesthetic, with an assistant holding the foal. In practice, one must bear in mind the stress of the procedure, and perform a full work-up including measurement of IgG before attempting castration.
Veterinary - The Donkey Sanctuary
Our veterinary hospital has surgical facilities with a diode laser for sarcoid surgery and is well-equipped with a DR x-ray system, mobile and hospital-based ultrasound machines as well as an endoscope - all made available thanks to the generosity of our supporters.
Surgery General Principles - Donkey - WikiVet English
At The Donkey Sanctuary we routinely perform a clinical examination, including a dental examination and full haematology and biochemistry profile. A large proportion of donkeys in the UK are geriatric and have serious dental pathology and/or hepatic and renal dysfunction.