Japanese Community Project - Doomworld /idgames database …
Japanese status HUD is included .If you load JPCP_HUD.wad with this wad, status bar in "Katakana" and "Kanji" can be used. We hope that you have a good time. Credits: id Software for Doom Texture Resources from cc4-tex, doom2, TNT: Base: New from scratch: Build time: 2 years: Editor(s) used: Various: Bugs: Rating: (68 votes)
Japanese Community Project [Final Version released on idgames]
2016年4月3日 · Japanese Community Project (JPCP) is a 32 level megawad for limit removing ports made by Japanese Doomers. We tested it with PrBoom+ with doom 2 compatibility (-complevel 2), ZDoom, GZDoom. >>>JPCP final version download<<< (16/07/19) Doom is a minor game in Japan, so Doom community in Japan is very small.
Japanese Community Project - megawads - Doomworld
2016年7月18日 · Japanese Community Project is a 32 level megawad made by Japanese Doomers. Doom is a minor game in Japan, so Doom community in Japan is very small. The community having been weakening year by year, we started this project for strengthening our solidarity, improving mapping skill, and so on. We ai...
Japanese Community Project - Page 2 - megawads - Doomworld
2016年7月18日 · mappers or beginners. Japanese Community Project (JPCP) is it. I poured my effort to the project thinking Japanese megawad would not have appeared again if I would do not the success of this project. JPCP had some good opportunities after the first version was released. This is because JPCP was selected at ZDeamon Thursday Night Survial
Japanese Community Project demos [-complevel 2] - Doomworld
2016年12月9日 · I always assumed that soul sphere was a one-shot deal. The first time I played the level, I backed off the platform expecting there to be an enemy rather than a soul sphere, and it made sense to me that the punishment for panicking like that would be …
my 300-word reviews (most recent: JPCP by Japan)
2023年12月14日 · I have written 3000+ words about some individual maps before. I believe it would be very doable for people to write a whole book about most mapsets (and some standalone maps) without straining for substance.
The state of JPCP2 - WAD Discussion - Doomworld
2024年9月19日 · So the other day I learned from the Doom Wiki that a second Japanese Community Project was announced in 2022, but looking into it further, one gets the impression that the project died not long after being announced. Of course I know that public communication on game projects is quite difficult a...
Most visually creative/beautiful megawads? - Doomworld
2019年5月10日 · It has some of the most creative level design I've seen in Doom, ever. Especially My fav and Hazama and the emerald level. I'm looking for another megawad to go through that can also be considered along these lines of creativity. Of course I'd like it to have good gameplay too. JPCP set a pretty high bar tbh. Also, nothing too too monster heavy.
What piece of Doom artwork (intermission screens, episode …
2021年1月23日 · Awesome I shall look forward to those in the near future. Moving on, I guess we need to get some update from the maps that currently have no entry as of yet. E1M2: Nuclear Plant - Steve D (Check - Map in progress) E1M6: Central Processing - Antroid E1M7: Computer Station - Pavera E1M8: Phobos Ano...
2023年9月4日 · Hispanic Community Project {HCP} is a boom-format megawad inspired by Doom 2 In Spain Only and JPCP made by members of the hispanic doom community and spanish-speaking mappers. Thanks to @OceanMadman for the projects idea! ¡¡¡¡¡DESCARGARLO AQUÍ!!!! Spoiler All the maps have been tested with: Woof...