MS-DOS 2.x - WinWorld
In 1982, Microsoft began licensing DOS to other OEMs that ported it to their custom x86 hardware and IBM PC clones. For IBM-specific releases, please see the IBM PC-DOS product page. DOS 2.x adds support for subdirectories and larger (as in 10 MB) disks.
DOS 2.11 From Scratch | OS/2 Museum
2021年9月21日 · Comparing the DOS 1.1 source with DOS 2.11 it is obvious that DOS 2.0 was a very major update and almost the entire core of the operating system was either heavily modified or written from scratch. The list of user-visible changes was accordingly quite significant.
ms-dos 2.11 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet …
2021年10月2日 · Please download files in this item to interact with them on your computer.
MS-DOS 2.11 - 20世纪下载站
MS-DOS 2.11. 这是软盘镜像,推荐使用DiskDupe解压,WinImage默认不支持,不过可以用WinImage强制解开。 DiskDupe: http://dos.jinzihao.info/show.php?id=228
MS-DOS 2.11 For American-XT (1983) - Archive.org
2024年2月25日 · ms-dos-2.11-for-american-xt-1983 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.7.0 . plus-circle Add Review. comment. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write a review. 194 Views . 1 Favorite. DOWNLOAD OPTIONS download 1 file . ISO IMAGE ...
MS-DOS 2.11 / 2.92 : Victor Technologies, Inc. - Archive.org
COMMAND COM 2.11Hm 2/28/85 MS-DOS 2.11 Command Processor. CONFIG SYS N/A N/A MS-DOS 2.11 Configuration File ... In order for a program to use MS-DOS memory allocation functions, that program must be sized. The utility, EXESIZE, will accomplish this. The command syntax is: EXESIZE <filename> [/Nxxxx /Xyyyy] ...
COMPAQ MS-DOS 2.11 | PCjs Machines
Run DOS, Windows, OS/2 and other vintage PC applications in a web browser on your desktop computer, iPhone, or iPad. An assortment of microcomputers, minicomputers, terminals, programmable calculators, and arcade machines are also available, along with an archive of historical software and documentation.
[硬件] 给自己的电脑安装 DOS 2.11 操作系统 - 数码之家
2024年12月12日 · 那个是 DOS 2.11 版本信息,是针对 东芝电脑的。 这个机器是 IBM THINKPAD A31, 说的是对的。 从来没用过 DOS 2.0 …… 还有多少命。 令能记得. 格式化、拷备、安装...... 如图,安装成功! 给自己的电脑安装 DOS 2.11 操作系统 ,数码之家.
GitHub - jacklin9/Dos-2.11-Src: just the MS-DOS 2.11 sources, I …
It's MS-DOS 2.11 so unless you really like XT's you'll probably be disappointed. About just the MS-DOS 2.11 sources, I re-aranged stuff and made it (slightly) easier to rebuild on Windows.
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 (1985) [English] (5.25"-360KB
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Visual Commuter OEM r1.9] Released in 1985 by Visual Technology, Incorporated / Microsoft For Visual Commuter computers Image quality: Unmodified This is the release of MS-DOS provided with Visual Commuter portable computers. The Visual Commuter was among the early IBM hardware compatible computers.