Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy - United States ...
The Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy (GHSD) leads and coordinates the Department’s work on strengthening global health security to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS.
Global Health Security and Diplomacy - U.S. Department of State
We actively support U.S. leadership in the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA). The Office of Health Diplomacy and Capacity Development (HDCD) leads public diplomacy efforts with foreign audiences and drives global health engagement training for U.S. government staff.
About Us - United States Department of State
U.S. leadership is critical to save lives domestically and globally by preventing, detecting, and responding to these health threats, in collaboration with international partners.
Leverages and helps coordinate U.S. assistance and promotes international cooperation to better protect the United States and the world from health threats by enhancing national, regional, and multilateral systems and policies. Elevates and integrates global health security as a core component of U.S. national security and foreign policy;
Inside the New Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy
2023年8月24日 · U.S. Global Aids Coordinator and Special Representative for Health Diplomacy Ambassador John Nkengasong delivers remarks at the launch of the Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy. REUTERS/Kevin Wurm. O n August 1, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced the launch of a new Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy.
Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy - LinkedIn
The Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy (GHSD) leads and coordinates the Department’s work on strengthening global health security to...
Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy
2024年10月31日 · The Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy (GHSD) leads and coordinates the Department’s work on strengthening global health security to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS.
Department announces new health bureau - State Magazine
The new bureau, headed by Ambassador John Nkengasong (left), will leverage the full power and purpose of American diplomacy to strengthen the global health security architecture and to effectively prevent, detect, control, and respond to infectious diseases.
Jeffrey Graham - United States Department of State
2025年1月21日 · A career member of the Senior Foreign Service, Jeff Graham is the Senior Bureau Official for the Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy (GHSD). He was the inaugural Principal Deputy Coordinator for Global Health Security and Diplomacy for the bureau.
Launch of the Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy
Today the State Department is officially launching a new Bureau of Global Heath Security and Diplomacy. The Bureau’s overarching mission is to fortify the global health security architecture to effectively prevent, detect, control, and respond to infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS.