ZNC - Wikipedia
ZNC is an IRC network bouncer or BNC. It can detach the client from the actual IRC server, and also from selected channels. Multiple clients from different locations can connect to a single …
ZNC - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ZNC 是一個 IRC Bounce。 用戶 客户端 會先連上ZNC,然後再連上IRC服务器。 ZNC支持 傳輸層安全性協定 以及 IPv6。 開發ZNC時所用到的編程語言是 C++,該軟件用到的許可證是 …
Running ZNC as a system daemon - ZNC
sudo systemctl start znc.service sudo systemctl enable znc.service With user service run: systemctl --user start znc.service systemctl --user enable znc.service In case you edit the file, …
Using commands - ZNC
Commands are given to ZNC by messaging the virtual user *status. Likewise, modules are communicated to by messaging *modname as well. Alternatively you can use /znc command …
ZNC 使用指南:强大的IRC网络中继器 - CSDN博客
ZNC(ZNC Bouncer)是一款开源的IRC(Internet Relay Chat)网络中继器,它允许用户保持连接到多个IRC服务器即使在断开客户端连接的情况下也不例外。 ZNC的设计旨在提供消息缓冲、 …
Installation - ZNC
There are several possibilities to install ZNC on your machine. The latest version is always available using the source tarball from https://znc.in/releases. A ChangeLog is available in the …
ZNC 开源项目安装与使用指南 - CSDN博客
2024年8月24日 · ZNC 是一个强大的开源 IRC(Internet Relay Chat)弹跳器,专为提升 IRC 使用体验而设计。它在 IRC 用户和服务器之间充当一个中介,提供多种高级功能,使得网络聊天 …
Linux服务器安装ZNC(一种IRC bouncer)——离线也不怕错过IRC消 …
Debian仓库是自带 znc 的,可以使用 sudo apt install znc 进行安装。 安装完 znc 以后,运行 znc --makeconf 进行配置文件初始化(TLS可以后面加,没事儿),初始化需要回答问题。
Installing and running ZNC – Open Computing Facility
Installing and running ZNC on your staff VM is easy and highly recommended. What is ZNC? ZNC is an IRC bouncer. It keeps you always connected to IRC, and allows you to connect to the …
nZEDb_Misc/Guides/Various/ZNC/Guide.md at master - GitHub
Chrome blocks default IRC ports (if you will use the Web Admin ZNC module). You can use port 6664 as the ZNC listen port.