SightGlass Vision | Slow Down Myopia Progression in Children
Diffusion Optics Technology™ integrates thousands of light scattering elements called dots that mimic more natural contrast at all distances. *No clinically meaningful change in refractive error means that there was less than a 0.25D increase in myopia progression from baseline as measured by cycloplegic autorefraction. (p‹0.0001).
Diffusion Optics Technology™ | Myopia Treatment for Children
DOT lenses are designed to provide full vision correction and slow down myopia progression. In a clinical trial, DOT spectacle lenses provide visual acuity of 6/6, (20/20) or better, similar to conventional single vision lenses.1*
SightGlass Vision DOT Lens - Myopia Profile
The SightGlass Vision DOT 0.2 lens can be considered a first-line treatment for myopia in children, with one-year randomized controlled trial data published, showing robust myopia control efficacy.
Connect the dots: understanding the SightGlass Vision DOT spectacle lens
2023年2月7日 · Spectacle lenses can be a first line choice for myopia management as they provide both myopia correction and control, and can be suitable for a wide range of children. The SightGlass Vision DOT lenses are a new myopia control design with hot-off-the-press clinical trial data showing a robust myopia control effect.
尼康近视防控镜片——“控优点”的设计原理 - 知乎
SightGlass Vision DOT镜片包含光散射中心,当光线通过镜片时,该中心会散射光线,从而在相邻锥体之间产生较低的信号差,同时保持出色的视觉敏锐度和功能性周边视力。
点扩散近视控制技术™ (DOT) | 儿童近视管理 | 视佳卫™
点扩散近视控制技术™ (dot) 集成了数以千计的光散射点,称为dot,可在目视距离内模拟自然环境中的对比度。 我们的镜片柔和地散射光线来降低对比度
《英国眼科杂志》发表近视管理新研究:DOT技术对早发性近视有 …
2022年9月15日 · 1、 dot代表了一种新型的技术(点扩散光学技术)来帮助近视儿童——通过在相邻锥体之间创造较低的信号差异来降低视网膜对比度,在减缓儿童近视进展方面是 有效且安全 的。
“周边微结构设计的框架眼镜目前有多焦点正向光学离焦(Defocus incorporated multiple segments,DIMS)框架眼镜、高度非球面微透镜(Highly aspherical lenslets technology,HAL)框架眼镜、同心环带柱镜设计(Cylindrical annular refractive element,CARE)框架眼镜和点扩散技术眼镜 ...
近视管理新技术——认识DOT点扩散技术 - 搜狐
2023年8月17日 · Diffusion Optics Technology,DOT 柯达柯学优™镜片,是全新上市的延缓儿童近视加深镜片,采用点扩散近视控制技术™, 通过柔和的散射光线 降低对比度 , 延缓眼轴增长,延缓近视加深。
视佳卫™ | 延缓儿童近视进展
搭载了点扩散近视控制技术™(dot)的镜片在一项受试者为 6岁及以上 儿童的多中心、多种族研究中显示能在 36个月 内 显著延缓近视进展² 。 关键数据 已经临床证明的研究结果
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