GitHub - GSA/openacr: OpenACR is a digital native Accessibility ...
OpenACR is a digital native Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR). The initial development is based on Section 508 requirements. The main goal is to be able to compare the accessibility claims of digital products and services. A structured, self-validated, machine-readable documentation will provide for this. - GSA/openacr
Trends in Initiation of Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs for ...
Dates of initial FDA approvals of DMARDs for RA are indicated by dotted vertical orange lines. Abbreviations: DMARD, disease-modifying antirheumatic drug, csDMARD, conventional synthetic DMARD, bDMARD, biologic DMARD, tsDMARD, targeted synthetic DMARD, COVID_19, Coronavirus disease 2019
Forced Rayleigh scattering from non-harmonic gratings applied to ...
1999年4月16日 · In a test experiment, six spatial harmonics of one grating recorded in PDE with ACR (main spatial period Λ =3 μm) could be simultaneously reconstructed by a conical beam of the He–Ne laser formed with an objective lens with light aperture 33 mm and focal length 75 mm at the diffraction angles Θ1–6 =5.45°, 10.9°, 16.5°, 22.3°, 28.3 ...
尿微量白蛋白肌酐比值ACR-肾脏早期的敏感指标 - 知乎
Retrieval of Atmospheric Attenuation Using Combined Ground …
2001年8月1日 · The dashed line and the dotted line are radar reflectivity measured by the CPRS W-band subsystem and by ACR, respectively. In order to improve signal-to-noise ratios and to reduce the volume mismatch between the two radar beams, CPRS W-band and ACR reflectivities are averaged for 30 and 0.4 s, respectively.
Predicting Disease Flares in Axial Spondyloarthritis Using Machine ...
The upper dotted line represents the random prediction of ROC-AUC and sensitivity, while the lower dotted line represents prevalence, corresponding to the random prediction of positive predictive value.
电容器的等效串联电阻(ESR) - 知乎专栏
ESR是Equivalent Series Resistance的缩写, 即“等效串联电阻”。 理想的电容自身不会有任何能量损失,但实际上,因为制造电容的材料有电阻,电容的绝缘介质有损耗。 这个损耗在外部,表现为就像一个电阻跟电容串联在一起,所以就称为“等效串联电阻”。 和ESR类似的另外一个概念是 ESL, 也就是等效串联电感。 早期的卷制电感经常有很高的ESL, 容量越大的电容, ESL一般也越大。 ESL经常会成为ESR的一部分, 并且ESL会引起 串联谐振 等现象。 但是相对电容量 …
Dotted Arc 同义词 - Dotted Arc的19个单词和短语 - Power …
dotted arc的其他19个术语 - 具有相似含义的单词和短语 列表 同义词 定义 dotted curve dotted boundary dotted outline dotted route dotted shape dotted trace dotted track stippled curve dotted line dotted loop dotted pathway dotted trajectory broken line dashed line dotted circuit dotted contour dotted graph dotted pattern ...
The Ascaris suum nicotinic receptor, ACR-16, as a drug target: …
2016年4月1日 · We have chosen the ACR-16 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor of Ascaris suum (Asu-ACR-16), as a drug target and have developed three-dimensional models of this transmembrane protein receptor to facilitate the search for new bioactive compounds.
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