Dou Gu - Wikipedia
Dou Gu (Chinese: 竇固; Wade–Giles: Tou Ku; died 88 AD), born in Xianyang, was a Chinese military general during the Eastern Han dynasty who fought in the Battle of Yiwulu in 73. Shortly after the battle, Dou Gu sent two of his generals, Ban Chao and Guo Xun, on a diplomatic expedition to the Western Regions.
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Battle of Yiwulu - Wikipedia
The battle was a success for the Han, who were led by Dou Gu. In 73, annoyed at the Xiongnu 's constant incursions against the northern border, the Han dynasty dispatched four columns, commissioned generals Dou Gu and Geng Chong to lead an …
Battle Through the Heavens Wiki - Fandom
2015年7月1日 · She is the number one heir of the Gu Clan and she is the sole possessor of the perfect Dou Di blood in Gu clan within the past 1000 years.
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Dou Qi | Battle Through the Heavens Wiki | Fandom
Dou Qi is also known as your combat energy or spirit power. On Dou Qi Continent, there wasn’t many tales of magic users and their effects, but rather, Dou Qi was the main star. On this big piece of land, the training of Dou Qi had become commonplace after the …