Dou Jiande - Wikipedia
Dou Jiande (Chinese: 竇建德; 573 – 3 August 621 [1] [3]) was a Chinese rebel leader who led the agrarian rebels who rose against the rule of Emperor Yang of Sui near the end of the Chinese Sui dynasty.
Doujiang - Wikipedia
Doujiang (traditional Chinese: 豆漿; simplified Chinese: 豆浆; pinyin: dòujiāng) is fresh soy milk in Chinese cuisine. It can be served hot or cool, sweet or savoury. [1] . Sometimes, it is lightly curdled with vinegar. [2] . It is a common breakfast item served with youtiao. [3]
Doubanjiang - Wikipedia
Doubanjiang (traditional Chinese: 豆瓣醬; simplified Chinese: 豆瓣酱; pinyin: dòubànjiàng, IPA: [tôʊpântɕjâŋ]), also known as douban, toban-djan, broad bean chili sauce, or fermented chili bean paste, is a hot and savory Chinese bean paste made from fermented broad beans, chili peppers, soybeans, salt and flour.
Jian Dou - Google Scholar
Jian Dou. North Carolina State University. Verified email at NCSU.EDU. Nanomaterials Sustainable Energy and Chemistry Chemical Looping Catalysis. Articles Cited by Public access Co-authors. ... J Dou, B Zhang, H Liu, J Hong, S Yin, Y Huang, R Xu. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 180, 78-85, 2016. 73:
斗建 - 百度百科
北斗七星由天枢、天璇、天玑、天权、玉衡、开阳、摇光等七颗星星组成,因北斗七星曲折如斗,故而得名。 北斗七星是北半球(我国位于北半球)的重要星象, 斗转星移 时北半球相应地域的自然节律亦在渐变,因此成为上古我国古人判断节气变化的依据。 上古时代以北斗七星的运转计算月令,斗柄所指之辰谓之“斗建”(或“月建”,古称北斗斗柄所指为“建”)。 如《淮南子·天文训中》收录:“帝张四维,运之以斗,月徙一辰,复返其所,正月指寅,十二月指丑,一岁而匝,终 …
Savory Soy Milk Soup w/ Fried Dough (Dou Jiang)
2014年4月17日 · Dou Jiang You Tiao, is a popular breakfast/brunch item in Chinamade with soy milk soup, curdled slightly with the vinegar, and flavored with scallions, sesame oil, pickled radishes and the crispy fried dough. In a pot, heat up the soy milk.
Hot Chinese Soy Milk Soup - Dou Jiang - On The Gas
2024年9月28日 · A bowl of Dou Jiang is full of soy milk, seasoned with a unique combination of spices and vinegar. Dried shrimps are most commonly added to the soup, as they taste amazing when dipped in hot soy milk.
La Doubanjiang (Spicy Bean Sauce) - The Woks of Life
2020年5月24日 · La doubanjiang, or spicy bean sauce (là dòubàn jiàng, 辣豆瓣酱, sometimes spelled “tobanjiang”), is a paste made from fermented soybeans, broad beans, and chilies. You may also see it referred to as, “spicy bean paste,” “spicy broad bean …
斗建 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版
2022年12月23日 · 以北斗星的星柄指向确定四季和十二月。
斗舰的意思_斗舰的解释-汉语国学 - 汉语国学·汉语词典
斗舰:古代 一种 装备 较好的战船,自 三国 时期 一直 使用 到唐代。 船上设 女墙,可高 三尺,船下开擎棹孔。 斗 [ dǒu ] 1. 中国市制容量单位(十升为一斗,十斗为一石)。 如 斗酒只鸡(经常用作招待客人的简单酒食,家常便饭)。 2. 量粮食的器具。 如 斗筲之人(形容人器量狭小,见识短浅)。 3. 形容事物之大。 如 斗胆。 4. 形容事物之小。 如 斗室。 5. 像斗的东西。 如 斗车。 斗笠。 斗篷。 熨斗。 6. 星名,二十八宿之一,亦泛指星。 如 南斗。 气冲斗牛(怒气冲天)。 7. …
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