Dozo - Wikipedia
The Dozo (also Donzo, Bambara for hunter, pl. donzow) are traditional hunters in northern Côte d'Ivoire, southeast Mali, and Burkina Faso, and members of a co-fraternity containing initiated hunters and sons of Dozo, called a Donzo Ton.
World Report 2025: Mali | Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch has documented Dozo abuses against Fulani civilians, as well as allegations that Dozo and other self-defense groups have acted as Malian army proxies. The attack in Kalala,...
“We Used to Be Brothers” - Human Rights Watch
2018年12月7日 · Peuhl animal herders waiting to cross the Bani River, near Sofara, central Mali. On August 7, 2018, Dozo militia allegedly detained 11 Peuhl traders as they waited to cross the river to go to...
Dan Na Ambassagou - Mapping armed groups in Mali and the …
In Mali, which is nearly 90 percent Muslim, the Dogon make up a sizeable portion of the non-Muslim population, though there are also ethnic Dogon communities that are Muslim. Dan Na Ambassagou emerged in late 2016 from traditional hunters’ brotherhoods.
Analysis: Jihadist exploitation of communal violence in Mali
2018年7月17日 · The UN office pinned the blame largely on communal violence between traditional hunters [referred to as Dozo] from Bambara communities, Dogon communities, and Fulani people.
Dozo hunters, a magical and powerful brotherhood - Kumakonda
2023年2月20日 · The Dozo are a brotherhood of traditional hunters very present in the Mandinga region or Malinké country, which is divided into several West African countries such as Guinea, Mali, Gambia, Senegal, Liberia, etc. There are also counterpart brotherhoods to the Dozo in Sierra Leone called Kamajors, Poro in Liberia, or Mayi-Mayi in the D.R. Congo.
Mali: Islamist Armed Groups, Ethnic Militias Commit Atrocities, …
On January 6, Dozo militia attacked Kalala, a predominantly ethnic-Fulani village, and killed 13 civilians. “We found six bodies in front of the mosque, and the others inside homes or outside,”...
Ogossagou massacre could be a crime against humanity, UN's Mali …
2019年5月3日 · The killing of at least 157 Fulani people in Ogossagou in central Mali by dozo traditional hunters was "planned, organised and coordinated," MINUSMA said
“How Much More Blood Must Be Spilled?” - Human Rights Watch
2020年2月10日 · A concentration of Dozo, or traditional hunters, who in the face of inadequate security from the Malian state, formed self-defense groups to protect their communities from attacks by armed ...
Au centre du Mali, des groupes d'autodéfense ont remplacé l'État
2020年2月25日 · Depuis, plusieurs attaques attribuées aux chasseurs dozos ont eu lieu dans le centre du Mali, où l'insécurité s'est glissée après avoir rongé le nord du pays. L'impuissance de l'État