缺陷产品召回技术中心 - 国家市场监督管理总局
缺陷产品召回技术中心是市场监管总局直属正司级事业单位,主要承担缺陷产品和食品等召回制度研究、信息监测、技术调查和应用服务等工作。 简介:缺陷产品召回技术中心是市场监管总局直属正司级事业单位,主要承担缺陷产品和食品等召回制度研究、信息监测、技术调查和应用服务等工作。 网站:https://www.samrdprc.org.cn联系电话:010-59799616传真:010-82961389微信公众 …
2024年3月20日 · 根据工作需要,国家市场监督管理总局缺陷产品召回技术中心网站将于即日起正式启用新域名www.samrdprc.org.cn,原域名www.dpac.org.cn将于4月30日停止使用,请广大网友使用新域名访问网站,由此造成的不便敬请谅解! 同时,我中心电子邮件系统后缀将于即日起正式更换为@samrdprc.org.cn,原电子邮件系统后缀@dpac.org.cn将于4月30日停止使用,请相关单位及工作联络方予以知晓。 特此公告。 国家市场监督管理总局缺陷产品召回技术中心. 2024年3 …
ERS Data Product Quality Reviews | Economic Research Service - USDA …
2025年1月17日 · Food Price Outlook provides ERS food price forecasts for the short-term period. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for food is probably the most widely used indicator of changes in retail food prices. Rice Yearbook offers data on U.S. rice production, supply, disappearance, trade, and prices. Includes State acreage, yield, and production data; U.S ...
DPC Food
Combining craftmanship with the latest technology and expertise, DPC Food has developed a 100% natural goat’s milk high protein ingrediënts assortment produced in the Netherlands which is the perfect basis to produce dairy, cheese, and food products. DPC Food is a joint venture of Amalthea and Ausnutria.
Enrichment of rice endosperm with anthocyanins by endosperm …
Endosperm-specific expression of OsDFR-OsRb-OsC1 (DRC) or OsDFR-OsPAC1-OsRb-OsC1 (DPRC) resulted in transgenic rice germplasm with dark purple grains. The expression of endogenous anthocyanin biosynthesis-related genes was significantly upregulated in the transgenic lines.
Danish Pig Research Centre - pig production in Denamark
Danish Pig Research Centre provides two standards: DANISH Transport Standard and DANISH Product Standard. On top of this we also have the Global Red Meat Standard. In this section, you will find concise, practical knowledge on a wide range of topics available for download. Looking for our research results in English?
Department of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources (FANR)
2021年12月9日 · The mission of the Department of Food, Agriculture, and Bioresources (FAB) is to produce newer generations to strive for solutions to sustainably feed a hungry and growing world.
DPRC Food Drive... - Democratic Party of Racine County - Facebook
2023年6月1日 · DPRC Food Drive Update! Racine County Dems collected 157 lbs. of food for the Racine County Food Bank. Great job! Remember, their need exists year...
DPRC Food Heaven - DPRC Food Heaven - Facebook
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