戴上DPVR E4 PC VR,头盔四个角的4个摄像头可实现230°超广角覆盖,让你手持光剑精准分割冲来的红蓝方块,躲避红墙障碍,让你成为舞者超级英雄! 戴上DPVR E4 VR Headset,头盔 …
大朋VR – VR游戏玩到爽| 虚拟现实 - dpvr.com
dpvr 是一家虚拟现实头显设计者和制造商,为游戏、培训和教育制造尖端的 vr 无线和 pc 连接头显。
DPVR E4 VR Headsets, PCVR Headset with Controller, Virtual …
Fast and Precise Tracking: DPVR E4 headset has 4 cameras (achieve 240° ultra-wide-angle coverage) built into the headset to track your body movement, with no external sensors required. 6 DoF tracking system offers you a more accurate, stable, and realistic gaming experience.
開箱|【信星科技】DPVR E4 - 入坑 PCVR 頭盔之 ... - Mobile01
2024年6月25日 · 【信星科技】dpvr e4 定位上是目前輕巧且配置屬很好的一款 vr 頭盔產品,特別是走輕量化設計不到 300g 重量,大大減少 vr 頭盔配戴時常讓人詬病的重量問題!
DPVR E4完整配置参数 - VR52网
DPVRE4是大朋VR制造的一款虚拟现实眼镜。 于2022年11月28日公布。 并于2023年02月10日发行上市。 -这款VR头显需要连接到PC才能使用。 -这款VR头显的刷新率较高。 120Hz-这款VR头显不需要外部基站.
大朋VR E4评测:入门级PCVR的游戏实力究竟如何? - 知乎
e4作为pcvr依旧采用有线连接pc的方式。在pc端配置了电源、dp1.4、usb3.2三线进一的hub,而在头显端另行设置了一个接收hub,根据大朋官方的资料,头显端将来可以通过配件实现无线串流。 手柄的整体形态设计依旧是常见环装形态。
DPVR E4: Full Specification - VRcompare
The DPVR E4 is a PC-powered VR headset, released 2023. Features 95° FoV, 1832x1920 per eye resolution, 120 Hz refresh rate, 6 DoF tracking, 6 DoF controllers.
DPVR E4 VR Headsets, PCVR Headset with Controller, 3664x1920 …
2023年1月6日 · Fast and Precise Tracking: Adopting Inside-out position solution, DPVR E4 headset has 4 cameras (achieve 240° ultra-wide-angle coverage) built into the headset to track your body movement, with no external sensors required. 6 DoF tracking system offers you a more accurate, stable, and realistic gaming experience.
Only 280g body weight, lighter than other Fresnel VR headsets, providing incredible comfort for extended gaming hours. With the 90° flip-up design, you can easily switch from reality to …
DPVR Headset Technical Support & Software Downloads
DPVR AIO GO is a tool that can help you manage your stand along VR headset (P1, p1 Pro, P1 Pro 4K , P2 and DPVR-4D PRO) conveniently via your computer. You can; Install applications. …