Meet Our Doctors - KGH
Dr. Abhisek Sabui MBBS, MD, DM (Hepatology) Consultant Hepatologist & Interventional Gastroenterologist View Profile
Dr. Bennett
2012年1月19日 · Dr. Bennett is a life-long resident of Queens. He graduated with honors, Cum Laude, with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Queens College in 1998. He earned his MD …
Physician Referrals - kgh.kari.net
KGH Burr 2-General Surgery. Yes by fax-Please see fax info below. Tuesdays 0900-1200 hrs.
Kelowna General Hospital | Location Listing | IH - Interior Health
The Kelowna General Hospital (KGH) is in the Okanagan health service area and is one of two Interior Health tertiary referral hospitals. Located in Kelowna, KGH offers high-level, specialty …
Kingston General Hospital - Wikipedia
The Kingston General Hospital (KGH) site is an acute-care teaching hospital affiliated with Queen's University located in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Konsultan Ginjal & Hipertensi - Rumah Sakit St. Carolus
* Jadwal praktek dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu, mohon konfirmasi terlebih dahulu ke nomor 021-390 4441 atau 021-2356 7990.
Kelowna Hospitalists
Kelowna General Hospital is rapidly expanding both its surgical and medical services while serving a growing city and a large geographic area as a referral centre. Comprised of family …
dr. Pujiwati, Sp. PD-KGH - Primaya Hospital
dr. Pujiwati, Sp.PD-KGH sebagai Spesialis Penyakit Dalam Konsultan Ginjal Hipertensi yang berpraktik di Primaya Evasari Hospital. dr Pujiwati menempuh pendidikan profesi Dokter …
dr. Jonny, Sp.PD-KGH, M.Kes, MM - Ciputra Healthcare
Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam Konsultan Ginjal dan Hipertensi, dr. Jonny, Sp.PD-KGH, M.Kes, MM. Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam Konsultan Ginjal dan Hipertensi
Dr. dr. Suhardjono, Sp.PD, KGH, KGer - Alodokter
Dr. dr. Suhardjono, Sp.PD-KGH,K.Ger adalah seorang Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam dan Konsultan Ginjal Hipertensi. Beliau menyelesaikan studi Kedokteran Umum dan Spesialis …