DR5 as a reporter system to study auxin response in Populus
Jan 3, 2013 · Auxin responsive promoter DR5 reporter system is functional in Populus to monitor auxin response in tissues including leaves, roots, and stems. We described the behavior of the DR5::GUS reporter system in stably transformed Populus plants.
DR5 is a Suitable System for Studying the Auxin Response in the
Sep 1, 2020 · The local auxin distribution characteristics in the roots, stems, and leaves of stably transformed plantlets of trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata) with auxin reporter system DR5::GUS-YFP were elucidated in this research.
植物生长素整体原位定位技术 - pku.edu.cn
这些研究通常基于 DR5:GUS/GFP 在植物中的信号分布, 并通过其转运抑制剂来观察生长素对雄蕊发育的影响 [7–8]。它的梯度分布经常是植物新器官或组织形成的位置信息。因此, 了解生长素分布模式对理解植物的生长发育有重要意义。
Specific Expression of DR5 Promoter in Rice Roots Using a tCUP
Jan 22, 2014 · Compared to 35S under this configuration, a quick and distinctive expression of DR5::GUS was observed in the root cap, quiescent center and xylem cells in the root apical meristem by using the tCUP derived promoter (tCUP1) for selection, that is similar to the pattern obtained by a sensitive DR5 variant (DR5rev) in Arabidopsis.
利用GUS基因表达观察启动子功能 - 豆丁网
Oct 30, 2013 · 2.利用DR5::GUS转基因拟南芥,观察GUS阳性的位点,即体内auxin分布的特点. DR5是含有7个串联重复的生长素反应元件(TGTCTC)的人工构建的启动子. DR5启动子活性的高低依赖于生长素的浓度,更快速、灵敏地反映了细胞内生长素的水平。
生命之泉 | 顶端弯钩中生长素的极性运输 - 知乎
首先,科研人员发现,在顶端弯钩的形成和保持阶段,生长素信号marker DR5::GUS 在弯钩凹面显著着色,说明生长素信号在弯钩两侧分布不对称,并且乙烯处理会加剧这种不对称分布。
DR5 as a reporter system to study auxin response in Populus
Our study shows that the DR5 reporter system is a sensitive and facile system for monitoring auxin responses and distribution at cellular resolution in poplar. Auxin-responsive DR5 promoter coupled with transport assays suggest separate but linked routes of auxin transport during woody stem development in Populus.
Auxin responsive promoter DR5 repor-ter system is functional in Populus to monitor auxin response in tissues including leaves, roots, and stems. We described the behavior of the DR5::GUS reporter system in stably transformed Populus plants.
为探究甘蓝型油菜中生长素在不同组织中的动态分布情况, 构建了以dr5::gus为报告基因的生长素响应表达载体, 将其转化到甘蓝型油菜中, 获得了稳定表达gus基因的转基因株系。gus染色发现, 在油菜苗期, 子叶和下胚轴中都有比较强的gus信号, 并且dr5启动子受生长素 ...
实验三 (2)转基因植株中GUS活性检测 - 百度文库
• 实验原理:DR5是一种包含TGTCTC的生长素响 应元件,生长素诱导DR5启动子表达,以GUS基 因的表达作为检测对象,分析生长素的分布。 • 实验材料: • 实验要求:观察生长素在植物根(根尖)、茎、 叶(不同发育时期)、花(不同时期和不同部位) 和胚胎(不同时期)中的分布,并用点画法绘图 标注不同组织和器官中生长素的分布。 (3)通过简单的扩散或真空渗入,底物易被植物细胞 吸收。 (2)在GUS表达水平很高的组织中会发生无色反应产 物渗漏的现象,但是 …
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