Discussing Draedens | EN World D&D & Tabletop RPG News
2006年6月23日 · A Draeden falling onto ground would not leave a spiral track, nor would it sit nursing its wounds for countless millennia in all that material- Draedens hate anything but perfect vacuum, so a Draeden falling as Asmodeus did would …
Discussing Draedens | Page 2 - EN World
2006年6月23日 · A Draeden falling onto ground would not leave a spiral track, nor would it sit nursing its wounds for countless millennia in all that material- Draedens hate anything but perfect vacuum, so a Draeden falling as Asmodeus did would eat everything around it until Hell was just gone. Click to expand...
Discussing Draedens | Page 3 | EN World Tabletop RPG News
2006年6月23日 · Then, the "Great Draeden", becoming fully awake, would kill Ma Yuan while he's fighting Apep, and destroy the rest of the Great Wheels. Then he himself would become the last Great Wheel, and then if that one gets destroyed by someone, *poof* goes most of existence (except the Abyss and Nine Hells, or what's left of them after Ulgurshek is gone).
Discussing Draedens | Page 6 - EN World
2006年6月23日 · Its much smaller than the Draeden though (100' ft. diameter brain with 200' ft. tentacles). The size rules for 3E were pretty fussy and something the size of the original Draeden in 3E would have required 8000 Hit Dice (or thereabouts).
Immortal Set Creatures Conversions - EN World
2007年3月4日 · The draeden's stomach can hold 8 Gargantuan, 32 Huge, 128 Large, or 512 Medium or smaller creatures at a time. A swallowed creature can escape by dealing 100 points of damage to the draeden's interior (which is AC 36).
Creature Catalog new 3.5 conversions (Part Two) - EN World
2012年4月19日 · A draeden is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, disease and poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, and death effects. A draeden is also immune to damage from electricity, cold, acid, and disintegration. Master of Magic (Sp): At will, a draeden may use any arcane or divine spell from any spell list as a spell-like ability.
Discussing Draedens | Page 4 - EN World
2006年7月18日 · They sounded like draedens to me, too. i was thinking specifically of that reference when I wrote the bit about Ulgurshek being curious about the fates of others of his kind. Planescape once again delivers the recipe for cool, and Erik meshes it into the classic material to make a tasty modern...
D&D 5E - Anyone worked with Colossal/Mythical monsters before?
2016年11月22日 · Bjornganal (150'x150') in the Demon Lords section. Colossal trait God Forged Colossus (200'x200') in the Constructs section. Colossal trait Shen, the Dragon of Doom (50'x50') in the Dragons section. Colossal trait. Protean, Astral (1000'x1000') in the Monstrosities section. Colossal trait. Draeden, Greater (500'x500') in the Monstrosities section.
Immortals Handbook - Epic Bestiary (Epic Monster Discussion)
2021年4月16日 · Ever since the Epic handbook made it possible to stat up beings as powerful as gods (like the perrennial favorite of reviewers, the Xixecal), I've been determined to one day stat up a 3E version of a Draeden- but I never got something I was satisfied with until UK's IH Bestiary postulated new size rules and gave me neat ideas like ...
D&D General - Looking for the name of a mystery monster
2019年8月26日 · Sounds to me like the Draeden, which was in the D&D Immortals boxed set back in the day. Link: Draeden - Wikipedia You found it for me! I have plans for this and now they can move forward!