Drat Step-By-Step - GitHub Pages
Drat Step-By-Step. Roman Hornung and Dirk Eddelbuettel Written 2021-Apr-04, update 2021-Jul-09 . Overview, Scope and Background. This step-by-step tutorial shows how to use drat to let an R package utilise an R package available on some other place that is not CRAN.
Distributed Release Audit Tool (DRAT) - GitHub
Distributed Release Audit Tool (DRAT) A distributed, parallelized (Map Reduce) wrapper around Apache RAT™ (Release Audit Tool). RAT is used to check for proper licensing in software projects.
GitHub - apache/drat: A distributed, parallelized (Map Reduce) wrapper ...
Apache Distributed Release Audit Tool (DRAT)™ A distributed, parallelized (Map Reduce) wrapper around Apache RAT™ (Release Audit Tool). RAT is used to check for proper licensing in software projects.
GitHub - eddelbuettel/drat: Drat R Archive Template
Drat tries to help here and supports two principal modes: GitHub by leveraging gh-pages; Other repos by using other storage where you can write and provide html access; Please see the next section about how to get started, the package documentation, the drat package page or the blog section on drat for more.
Apache DRAT
DRAT runs RAT incrementally on k-sized chunks of same-MIME-typed files (detected by Tika) and then producing incremental, per type logs, and then aggregating and reducing them into a combined log at the end. Learn more about the project, people involved, how it works and ways to contribute on github.
Apache DRAT 开源项目指南及问题解决方案 - CSDN博客
2024年11月5日 · Apache DRAT(分布式并行化Apache RAT)是一个基于Apache Hadoop MapReduce框架的工具,旨在加速对大型代码库的许可检查过程。 此项目采用Java为主要编程语言,它通过并行处理极大地提高了Apache RAT工具在处理多类型文件的大规模代码仓库时的效率。
Interacting with DRAT - apache/drat GitHub Wiki
If you want to inspect the Proteus Logs of what's going on, the following command is useful: Navigate to $DRAT_HOME tail -f tomcat/logs/catalina.out | grep DRAT_LOG
DRat去中心化远程控制工具 - FreeBuf网络安全行业门户
2023年3月7日 · DRat全称:Decentralized Remote Administration Tool,译为去中心化远程管理工具。 通过区块连技术和某报(当然也可以用别的端到端,支持机器人且够自由就行)实现的无中心化控制服务器、无中心化配置分发服务器的Rat。
drat/parse_s3_logs.R at gh-pages · ropensci/drat · GitHub
drat repository for nightly builds of ropensci packages and common dependencies - ropensci/drat
Drat FAQ - drat - GitHub Pages
2016年10月27日 · Drat is an R package which makes it really easy to provide R packages via a repository, and also makes it easy to use such repositories for package installation and upgrades. Why use drat? The motivation for drat is to give package authors more control over how they make their packages available to users.