Excess DOD Property Disposal - Defense Logistics Agency
Looking for "DRMO?" Heavy equipment loads a truck with scrap material. Disposition Services | Nov. 2, 2019. Same great service, just a different name People are creatures of habit, so it is not unusual for people who remember when some Defense Logistics Agency sites were known as the Defense Reutilization Marketing Office: the place to go when ...
DLA Disposition Services
An amendment signed in 2019 grants veteran-owned small businesses the opportunity to request property from the ever-evolving DLA Disposition Services surplus military equipment inventory.
Signs may not say DRMO anymore, but sites still have same great …
During fiscal 2019, materiel with an estimated acquisition value of more than $27.5 billion was turned in to the sites formally known as DRMO. Every dollar's worth of property reutilized is a tax dollar saved.
DLA Disposition Services - Wikipedia
DLA Disposition Services (formerly known as the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service) is part of the United States Defense Logistics Agency.Headquartered at the Hart–Dole–Inouye Federal Center in Battle Creek, Michigan, the organization provides personnel to support the US military in 16 overseas deployments, including Iraq and Afghanistan, 2 US territories (Guam …
DRMO - Military and Government - Acronym Finder
4 definitions of DRMO. Definition of DRMO in Military and Government. What does DRMO stand for?
Updated information: DRMO is now DLA Disposition Services
May 11, 2017 · In the April 13 issue of Tester, we published an article about DRMO — the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office — and have since learned from the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Public ...
DRMO processing procedures > Whiteman Air Force Base > News
May 3, 2010 · "DRMO's mission is to provide the Department of Defense's services and deliver performance to customers for the reuse, transfer, donation, sale or disposal of excess and surplus property," said Mr. Stephen Johnson DRMO site manager.
86 LRS facilitates Defense Logistics Agency - Ramstein Air Base
Oct 12, 2021 · DRMO changed their name to DLA-DS as part of a DLA-wide rebranding to show the Department of Defense and their customers the full value of DLA elements and to make it easier for service members to interact and take advantage of DLA’s comprehensive missions, products and services.
Search For Property - Defense Logistics Agency
Search For Property Find and acquire items to reutilize from Disposition Services. DLA Disposition Services offers a wide variety of serviceable property for Reutilization, Transfer, or Donation (RTD) to DOD units and other additional agencies. Property reutilized through Disposition Services is at no cost to the receiving DOD activity in most cases.
Talking trash: Get rid of old equipment at the JBLE Property Books ...
Aug 17, 2021 · In 2010, the Defense Reutilization Marketing Office (DRMO) changed its title to DLA Disposition Services. Despite the name change, DLA Disposition Services has been responsible for equipment disposition through various programs to reallocate Department of Defense property.