基于F蛋白融合前构象的RSV疫苗开发 - 知乎
2021年3月18日 · 对筛选出的产物进行结构解析确认和突变位点鉴定,此后,一个叫 “ DS-Cav1 ” 的Pre-F就这样诞生了。 在获得了DS-Cav1之后,以此为基础的RSV疫苗设计终于得以焕发新生,如单独的重组Pre-F三聚体蛋白疫苗(DS-Cav1-Foldon);以铁蛋白(Ferritin)为核心构建的融合前三聚体颗粒(DS-Cav1-Ferritin)以及其他装载量更大的核心形成的融合前三聚体颗粒(DS-Cav1-I53-50)(下图6)。 前景似乎很美好,一切也正在顺理成章地进行着。 但是在真正的疫 …
Structure-Based Design of a Fusion Glycoprotein Vaccine for ... - Science
2013年11月1日 · In Cav1 (pH 5.5) and in DS-Cav1 (pH 5.5) novel features were observed involving the interaction of the C terminus of the F 2 peptide with a sulfate ion and the fusion peptide. In the DS-Cav1-TriC structure, the D486H-E487Q-F488W-D489H mutations interact with the two neighboring protomers (colored tan and pink) around the trimer axis.
【耀文解读】Science年度突破:呼吸道合胞病毒RSV疫苗临床进展 …
结果显示,DS-Cav1疫苗接种引起的DCA(顶点结合抗体)增加8.8倍,而MEDI7510则为1.9倍,两者的PCA浓度相似;1CA分别为6.2倍和7.4倍。 这些数据表明,DS-Cav1疫苗接种引起了强大的顶点和侧面结合的抗体。
2024年4月15日 · DS-Cav1 疫苗接种可引发针对 RSV A 和 B 亚型的有效中和抗体反应 RSV A亚型和B亚型的F蛋白高度保守,抗原位点Ø为A亚型和B亚型的变异性抗原位点之一。
【前沿速递】SCIENCE:RSV疫苗研究新进展:基于结构设计的RSV疫苗实现概念性验证_DS …
2019年8月8日 · 结果表明,DS-Cav1能够显著激发RSV中和抗体的产生,中和抗体产生的水平与通常人受到RSV感染产生的抗体水平相比,是后者的10倍以上,并且可维持几个月(图2,3)。
Crystal Structure and Immunogenicity of the DS-Cav1-Stabilized …
To understand the molecular basis for this subtype difference, we introduced DS-Cav1 mutations into RSV strain B18537 F, determined the trimeric crystal structure, and carried out immunogenicity studies.
A proof of concept for structure-based vaccine design ... - Science
2019年8月2日 · Structure-based design has been used to generate an RSV fusion glycoprotein stabilized in its prefusion conformation (DS-Cav1). This immunogen is highly effective in mice and macaques. Crank et al. now report the results of a phase I vaccine clinical trial using the stabilized prefusion DS-Cav1 molecule.
Structure-Based Design of a Fusion Glycoprotein Vaccine for …
DS, Cav1, and TriC variants displayed a variety of physical and antigenic properties. The DS variant was the least stable to pH and temperature variation, but was more permanently stabilized in the trimeric state, while a low level of continual conversion from trimer to aggregate was observed for Cav1 and TriC on size-exclusion chromatography.
Iterative structure-based improvement of a fusion-glycoprotein …
2016年8月1日 · DS-Cav1, compared with postfusion F, induces neutralizing-antibody titers ∼ 70- and ∼ 80-fold higher for subtypes A and B, respectively) in rhesus macaques 31, whereas SC-DM induces complete...
Crystal Structure and Immunogenicity of the DS-Cav1-Stabilized …
2019年12月11日 · We have shown that a subtype A RSV fusion (F) glycoprotein, stabilized in its prefusion conformation by DS-Cav1 mutations, is a promising RSV-vaccine immunogen, capable of boosting RSV-neutralizing titers in healthy adults.