Communications materials - United Nations Sustainable Development
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) logo, including the colour wheel and 17 icons are available for use in the six official languages of the UN (Arabic,...
宣传材料 - 可持续发展 - الأمم المتحدة
可持续发展目标标识包含色轮及联合国六种官方语言(阿拉伯文 、 中文 、 英文 、 法文 、 俄文 、 西班牙文)的17个图标。 下载 其他语文的标识。 请注意,含联合国徽的可持续发展目标标识仅供联合国系统合作伙伴使用。 所有其他实体应使用不含联合国徽的可持续发展目标标识。 您可以根据我们的 指南 自由使用可持续发展目标图标和色轮。 可持续发展目标标识包含色轮及联合国六种官方语言(阿拉伯文、...
Unsdg | Guidelines for the use of the SDG logo, including the …
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) logo, including the colour wheel and 17 icons are available for use in the six official languages of the UN. These...
使用可持续发展目标徽标和图标的新指南 | United Nations
您是否正在使用或计划使用联合国可持续发展目标(SDG)的正式徽标,包括通讯材料中的色轮和17个图标? 您是否知道SDG品牌最近经过了修订,指南已经更新? 修订后的可持续发展目标标识包含色轮及联合国六种官方语言(阿拉伯文 、 中文 、 英文 、 法文 、 俄文 、 西班牙文)的17个图标。 下载 其他语言的标识 可于此处下载。...
United Nations offices, Funds and Programmes and other subsidiary organs and organizations of the United Nations System may use the SDG logo [Version 1 with the UN emblem] and 17 SDG icons...
Resources - United Nations SDG Action Campaign
logos & icons UN SDG Action Campaign Logo Guideline Download the ready-to-use campaign assets and social media messages with the hashtag #Act4SDGs and @SDGaction.
SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals - United Nations …
2021年12月27日 · The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) logo, including the colour wheel and 17 icons are available for use in the six official languages of the UN (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish). Please note that the SDG logo with the UN emblem is only available to UN System partners.
Official guidelines: Are you using the SDG logo and icons
2016年10月26日 · Thinking of using the official UN Sustainable Development Goals logo, color wheel, or 17 icons in your own communications materials? Great. They are they are free (and encouraged) for use for the purpose of promoting awareness of the goals. Download them in the six official UN languages here.
Logos - sdgs
Download here the 17 individual SDG logos in Dutch, English, French and German. Guidelines for using the official SDG communication material from the UN. Here you can find more official UN communication material.
File : Sustainable Development Goals.svg - Wikimedia
2024年10月13日 · English: The Sustainable Development Goals, adopted on 25 September 2015 as a part of the 2030 Agenda. The SVG code is valid. This icon was created with Adobe Illustrator. The file size of this SVG icon may be irrationally large because its text has been converted to paths inhibiting translations.