DSU-33D/B Proximity (Height-of-Burst) Sensor The DSU-33D/B is the “Standard” for proximity sensors. It is an all-weather, battery operated, frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) doppler radar ranging sensor. The DSU-33D/B provides Height-of-Burst capability to JDAM (or similar) bombs and general purpose (GP) bombs.
Dsu 33 fuze - CAT-UXO
The DSU-33 employs a FM-CW ranging approach which eliminates the sensitivity of the parent sensor to terrain reflectivity, provides a Height-of-Burst (HoB) of 20 +/- 6ft (6.10 +/- 1.83m), …
2006年5月10日 · DSU-33 Description System Description • Radar Proximity Sensor • Provides Height of Burst (HOB) fire pulse signal to the fuze for JDAM and GP bombs (FMU-139 & FMU-152A/B Fuzes) Performance Parameters • Height of Burst: 5 – 35 Feet (80%) • Multiple Weapon Release: 2 or more • Operational Life: 200 Seconds • Storage Life: 10 Years
DSU-33 – 32 Volt battery far exceeds power requirements for HARPS • Significant power dissipating circuitry required • Design has potential to use lower voltage battery – Significant cost savings possible
Northrop Grumman delivers 200,000th DSU-33 sensor which …
2019年3月1日 · U.S. defense contractor Northrop Grumman has announced the delivery of its 200,000th DSU-33 Proximity Sensor, a technology which provides air-burst detonation of general purpose bombs for United States and allied airmen who rely on it as a force multiplier in combat.
DSU-33C/B Test Interface is More Reliable and User Friendly. Every DSU-33 Sensor is functionally tested at an ambient, cold and hot condition. 17 Distribution Statement A approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
ATK to produce U.S. Air Force DSU-33D/B sensor for precision …
2013年11月13日 · ATK (NYSE:ATK), a producer of ammunition, precision weapons, and rocket motors, won a production U.S. Air Force contract for the DSU-33D/B Proximity Sensor, which uses radar signals to determine...
The United States Air Force Munitions Division is seeking sources for the DSU -33 proximity sensor that provides Height of Burst (HOB) functionality to general purpose warheads. The DSU-33D/B electronics design has been in production for over 10 years. Due to the age of the design, the DSU-33D/B has components that
美空军订购新型传感器 可保证目标上空精确起爆-中新网
2013年12月6日 · DSU-33传感器系一种全天候的射频测距雷达,采用电池做电源,装有采用先进电子技术、固态电路设计的高可靠性部件,与FMU-139和FMU-152引信一起使用,保证配备杀爆战斗部的航空炸弹(包括MK80系列炸弹及“杰达姆”制导炸弹)在目标上空固定高度引爆,实现杀爆战斗部毁伤效果的最大化。...
美国阿连特公司赢得DSU-33C/B近炸传感器合同 - Airshow
2006年6月16日 · DSU-33C/B传感器利用电池供电,能够在电子对抗环境中全天候工作。 DSU-33C/B近炸传感器于2005年完成验证试验,2006年1月进入生产阶段。 自2000年开始生产以来,阿连特技术公司已经生产了52000余件DSU-33的改进型产品。