Vityaz (ATV) - Wikipedia
The DT-10P and DT-30P ATVs are widely used by Russian troops deployed in challenging environmental regions, on islands (for transporting army elements, ammunition, equipment, FOLs and installation of weapon systems). Because of low ground pressure, the vehicle is theoretically immune to certain types of AT mines. [5]
DT-10PM - Army Guide
DT-10PM is two-section track carrier assures: high passableness on difficult roads (marsh, snow, woodland, and mountainous country) under severe weather climate and conditions (at the temperature from -40 to +45°С
DT-10PM - Army Recognition
The DT-10PM is a two-sections tracked carrier vehicle designed and manufactured by the Russian Company Vityaz. The project of DT-10 was launched in 1982 to offer a new type of vehicle offering high cross-country capabilities and maneuverability in swamp and snow terrain.
“勇士”履带式全地形车:没有障碍物的越野车 | 透视俄罗斯 | 俄罗斯 …
2023年7月13日 · 俄罗斯武装部队提前接收了又一款多用途越野车DT-10PM“勇士” (Vityaz)。 交货根据此前签订的合同进行。 据报道,俄乌拉尔车辆厂集团“勇士”机械制造公司已完全履行国防 …
DT-10 - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The DT-10PM is a medium, all-terrain, two-unit, amphibious tracked transporter capable of carrying a payload of up to ten tons across harsh terrain in extreme climates. The DT-10PM articulated vehicle is intended for transporting personnel, equipment and military hardware as well as mounting weapons and other military hardware.
俄罗斯北极旅再添加利器 将装备全地形的旋风和冰雹火箭炮
2018年2月13日 · DT-10PM是由俄罗斯公司Vityaz设计和制造的两部分履带式车辆。 DT-10项目于1982年启动,提供一种新型的车辆,在沼泽和雪地地形上提供高越野能力和可操作性。
2023年4月26日 · 对于俄罗斯联邦武装部队(RF 武装部队),两栖装甲版本 DT-10PM 和 DT-30PM 进行了修改。 此外,根据俄罗斯联邦国防部 (MO RF) 的指示,开发了 DT-3PB 全地形车,其有效载荷能力为 3 吨,时速可达 55 公里。 双连杆履带式运输车的高越野能力和承载能力使得可以在其基础上创建一系列战车,这些战车专为淡季作战而设计,当敌方机动部队无法进行主动作战时。 据推测,最佳解决方案可能是创建营战术组 (BTG),由基于 DT-30PM 履带式运载工具 …
DT-10PM two section tracked all-terrain amphibious carrier vehicle ...
2015年12月30日 · The DT-10PM is a two-sections tracked carrier vehicle designed and manufactured by the Russian Company Vityaz. The project of DT-10 was launched in 1982 to offer a...
2021年8月13日 · 俄罗斯联邦国防部购买了Ishimbai运输机的两种改装-DT-10PM和DT-30PM。 第一台机器设计用于运输重达10吨的货物。 第二个起重能力为30吨,用于安装各种武器系统和设备。
DT-10PM, Tracked armoured personnel carrier - Army Guide
DT-10PM is two-section track carrier assures: high passableness on difficult roads (marsh, snow, woodland, and mountainous country) under severe weather climate and conditions (at the temperature from -40 to +45°С