CGI awarded five-year, $100 million Data Transformation task order …
2021年10月5日 · CGI was awarded a $100M Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Data Transformation of Foundational Military Intelligence (DTMI) task order to evolve the way DIA processes its intelligence, military and infrastructure data.
United States Army
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Defense Intelligence Agency Awards Data Transformation Task …
2021年10月20日 · CGI was awarded a $100 million Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Data Transformation of Foundational Military Intelligence (DTMI) task order to evolve the way DIA processes its intelligence, military and infrastructure data.
DTDL models - Azure Digital Twins | Microsoft Learn
Field Description; @id: A Digital Twin Model Identifier (DTMI) for the model, in the format dtmi:<domain>:<unique-model-identifier>;<model-version-number>.In DTDL v3, the version number can be omitted, or structured as a two-part (<major>.<minor>) version number.@type: Identifies the kind of information being described.
Digital Twin Modeling Identifier - opendigitaltwins-dtdl
A DTMI is formally defined as a “dtmi” scheme identifier, a colon, and a Digital Twin path, optionally followed by a semicolon and a Digital Twin version, optionally followed by a hash mark and a Digital Twin fragment:
DTMI Portal
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Use IoT Plug and Play models in a solution - Azure IoT
2024年8月30日 · The client accepts a DTMI as input and returns a dictionary with all required interfaces: using Azure.IoT.ModelsRepository; var client = new ModelsRepositoryClient(); ModelResult models = client.GetModel("dtmi:com:example:TemperatureController;1"); models.Content.Keys.ToList().ForEach(k => Console.WriteLine(k));
DTMI - Definition by AcronymFinder
2 definitions of DTMI. Meaning of DTMI. What does DTMI stand for? DTMI abbreviation. Define DTMI at AcronymFinder.com
DTMI - Maintenance industrielle & dépannage matériel …
DTMI : partenaire des plus grands acteurs de l’électromécanique . SKF, SEW USOCOME, WEG, WILO, GEA, ROTOR . Contactez-nous. Transport . Nous prenons en charge l’enlèvement et la livraison de vos matériels. Contactez-nous. Une équipe à …
Departemen Teknik Mesin Industri ITS
6 天之前 · Departemen Teknik Mesin Industri (DTMI) merupakan program pendidikan terapan yang menyediakan lulusan dengan kompetensi pada bidang manufaktur dan mesin konservasi energi yang berkualitas dan diakui oleh dunia industri, baik nasional maupun internasional.