Dumathoin - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Dumathoin (pronounced: /ˌduːməˈθoʊɛɪn/ DOO-muh-THOE-in[10] or: /duːmɑːˈθoʊɪn/ doo-ma-THO-in[11]), was the patron of shield dwarves, and the dwarven deity of mining and underground exploration and was known as the Keeper of Secrets Under the Mountain. He was also the protector of the dwarven...
杜马松Dumathoin | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
Dumathoin (DOO-muh-THOE-in) is the Keeper of Secrets Under the Mountain, and he hides the secrets of the earth until deserving and diligent dwarves are ready to be guided to them. He lays veins of iron, copper, gold, silver, and mithral where he feels they will best benefit his followers.
Dumathoin - Great Library of Greyhawk
Dumathoin (DOO -muh-THOE-in) is the patron of mountain dwarves, and the dwarf deity of mining and underground exploration. He is also the protector of the dwarven dead. His holy symbol is a cut, faceted gem inside of a mountain. Dumathoin is described as a gigantic male dwarf with a barrel chest.
Dumathoin, a D&D 5e deity | Gods and Deities - The Thieves Guild
Dumathoin is the patron of mountain dwarves, and the dwarf deity of mining and underground exploration. He is also the protector of the dwarven dead. Dumathoin hides the secrets of the earth until deserving and diligent dwarves are ready to be guided to them.
Dumathoin - Greyhawk Wiki
2011年1月13日 · Dumathoin (DOO -muh-THOE-in) is the patron of mountain dwarves, and the dwarf deity of mining and underground exploration. He is also the protector of the dwarven dead. His holy symbol is a cut, faceted gem inside of a mountain. Dumathoin is described as a gigantic male dwarf with a barrel chest.
Dumathoin - The Draconus Dictum
Dumathoin (doo-muh-thoe-in) is the protector of the mountains, the earth, and all its secrets; metals and gemstones are his gift to the world. He is a silent, unspeaking god, reserving his wisdom for himself.
Temple of Dumathoin - Forgotten Realms Wiki
The Temple of Dumathoin was a dwarven stronghold in the Underdark, dedicated to the worship of Dumathoin. It had a complex interior structure, with whole corridors and rooms in the shapes of traditional dwarven weapons, such as hammers. The temple had gems, such as diamonds, embedded in the...
Dumathoin - Deities of Faerûn - Dwarf Pantheon - Realms Helps
Dumathoin Power : Intermediate deity Title : Keeper of the Secrets Under the Mountain, the Silent Keeper, the Mountain Shield
Dumathoin (5e) - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Dumathoin, was the patron of shield dwarves, and the dwarven deity of mining and underground exploration and was known as the Keeper of Secrets Under the Mountain. He was also the protector of the dwarven dead.
Dumathoin - Search - D&D Beyond
depicts Dumathoin, the dwarven god of mining. Any character who has proficiency in Religion recognizes the deity. The statue is beautifully carved, and its emerald eyes appear extremely valuable. 6. Temple of Dumathoin. 6.