DuoVane: The Next Generation of Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump
The DuoVane series consists of innovative two-stage oil-lubricated rotary vane pumps in the 5.2 to 22.5 m 3 /h pumping speed range. Pfeiffer is proud to introduce its new DuoVane, a groundbreaking series that combines the best of our two long-standing lines of rotary vane vacuum pumps , the DuoLine and Pascal series.
DuoVane 22, 3-phase motor, 200 – 220/240/318 – 415 V, 50 Hz | 280/480 V, 60 Hz, Bimetal Dual-stage, high-performance rotary vane pump with a pumping speed up to 22 m3/h, With 3-phase motor, With temperature sensor (Bimetal) for optimum motor protection, Integrated gas ballast and HV safety valve, For all low and medium vacuum applications ...
所有产品 - pvcp
DuoVane 12, 三相电机,200–220/240/380–415 V,50 Hz | 280/480 V,60 Hz V,双金属片 抽气速率高达 12 m3/h 的两级高性能旋叶泵, 带三相电机, 利用温度传感器(Bimetal)达到出色的电机保护, 集成气镇阀和高压安全阀, 适用于所有低、中真空应用, 特殊功能:适用于世界范围内 ...
Pfeiffer Vacuum DuoVane 22 Vacuum Pump, 1-phase, 100-115 …
Pfeiffer DuoVane 22 / PKD930020C0 Overview: Pfeiffer DuoVane 18 series rotary vane pumps are two-stage, oil-sealed rotary displacement pumps for use in a low and medium vacuum. The rotary vane pump is available in the standard version with claw coupling and asynchronous motor.
新闻媒体 | Pfeiffer Vacuum
2024年10月29日 · 作为广受认可的 Pascal 和 DuoLine 系列真空泵的优化升级版,DuoVane 系列可在全球范围内使用,可靠且高效。 DuoVane 真空泵的抽速范围为 6 至 22 m 3 /h, 并采用符合 IE2 能效等级的电机,可确保在全球范围内稳定运行。
Pfeiffer DuoVane 普发双级旋片真空泵 - hakuto-vacuum.cn
2024年11月6日 · 上海伯东 Pfeiffer DuoVane 适用于中低真空范围内众多应用的新型双级旋片泵, 融合了普发真空 DuoLine 和Pascal 系列的优势, DuoVane 双级旋片泵可以单独使用, 也可以作为前级泵集成在各类真空系统中, 旋片泵设计提高了水蒸汽的吞吐能力, 三相和单相(可切换)IE2 电机 ...
普发 Pfeiffer 双极旋片泵 DuoVane 20 | 普发Pfeiffer
普发 Pfeiffer 双极旋片泵 DuoVane 20 产品优势: 1. 抽气速率高达 22 m 3 /h 的两级高性能旋叶泵. 2. 带三相电机. 3. 利用温度传感器(Bimetal)达到出色的电机保护. 4. 集成型气镇阀和高压安全阀. 5. 适用于所有低、中真空应用. 6. 特殊功能:适用于世界范围内应用的各种 ...
双级真空泵 - DuoVane - Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions/普发 - 旋 …
DirectIndustry(工业在线展会)为您提供双级真空泵产品详细信息。规格型号:DuoVane,公司品牌:Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions/普发。直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。寻找更多国外精选双级真空泵产品和供应商采购信息,尽在DirectIndustry。
DuoVane: The New Generation of Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps
Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions presents DuoVane®, a new series of rotary vane vacuum pumps. These optimized successors to the Pascal and DuoLine series are designed for worldwide use and are characterized by reliability and efficiency. The DuoVane vacuum pumps offer a pumping speed of 6 to 22 m³/h.
DuoVane 18
DuoVane 18, 3-phase motor, 200–220/240/318–415 V, 50 Hz | 280/480 V, 60 Hz, Bimetal Dual-stage, high-performance rotary vane pump with a pumping speed up to 17 m3/h, With 3-phase motor, With temperature sensor (Bimetal) for optimum motor protection, Integrated gas ballast and HV safety valve, For all low and medium vacuum applications ...