Force Reconnaissance | VBSS | Dutch Marines
During the first week of May in Saveneta, Aruba, Marines from Force Reconnaissance Company, 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion embarked on visit board search and seizure - or VBSS - training aboard the Royal Dutch naval vessel Pelican.
Visit, board, search, and seizure - Wikipedia
Visit, board, search, and seizure (VBSS) [1] is the term used by United States military and law enforcement agencies for maritime boarding actions and tactics. VBSS teams are designed to capture enemy vessels, combat terrorism, piracy, and smuggling, and to conduct customs, safety and other inspections.
U.S. & Dutch Marines • VBSS Training • Netherlands - YouTube
U.S. Marines with C Company, 2d Reconnaissance Battalion (Recon Bn.), 2d Marine Division (MARDIV) participate in visit, board, search, and seizure (VBSS) tra...
VBSS如何接近目标 - 知乎专栏
VBSS,英文全称:Visit Board Search and Seizure. 这是海上特有的一种作战样式,主要用于海上反劫持、查截船只、海上石油平台的作战行动等。 通常来说,VBSS包括接近目标、登临、搜索清理和撤离几个步骤,由于海上环境和船只平台的特殊性,所以行动的具体方法和山地、丛林作战也有许多不同。 也同样因为这种特殊性,VBSS要求很多更专业的能力和技术,如果没有经过专业训练的特种作战部队随意行动,任务通常会以惨烈的结局收场。 1975年,柬埔寨劫持了“马亚圭 …
Recon VBSS with Netherlands Marines [Image 1 of 15] - DVIDS
2020年11月13日 · U.S. Marines with C Company, 2d Reconnaissance Battalion (Recon Bn.), 2d Marine Division (MARDIV) participate in visit, board, search, and seizure (VBSS) training with Netherlands Marines with...
【学习笔记】VBSS - 哔哩哔哩
VBSS即Visit(访问),board(登船),search(搜索),seizure(扣押)。 VBSS是一种特种作战战术,旨在通过登船行动,对可疑或敌对船只进行搜索、控制和扣押。 任务目标: 1.船只搜查:对涉嫌从事非法活动的船只进行全面搜查,搜查非法货物、武器或其他违禁物品。 2.人员搜查:检查船员或乘客以确认身份和搜集情报,寻找潜在威胁。 3.情报收集:在目标船只上搜集有价值的情报、文档、电子设备等。 4.扣押与控制:控制涉嫌从事非法活动或其他敌对行为的人员或 …
U.S. & Dutch Marines • VBSS Training • Netherlands - Dailymotion
2021年4月10日 · U.S. Marines with C Company, 2d Reconnaissance Battalion (Recon Bn.), 2d #Marine Division (MARDIV) participate in visit, board, search, and seizure (VBSS) training with Netherlands #Marines with the 32nd Raiding Squadron near Netherlands Marine Barracks Savaneta, Aruba, Nov. 13, 2020.
USMC Special Operations - Video
A selection of video clips featuring United States Marine Corps (USMC) special operations forces such as Force Recon, MARSOC etc. 2nd Force Reconnaissance Company Marines train in …
DVIDS - Video - 2nd Force Reconnaissance Company VBSS P
2014年5月5日 · U.S. Marine and sailors with 2nd Force Reconnissance Company, 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force, preform Visit, Board, Search and Seizure (VBSS) procedures abaord the...
vbss战术经典案例 - 百度文库
VBSS(Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure)是一种海上战术,用于登船搜查和扣押目标船只。 这种战术通常由特种部队或海军陆战队执行,旨在打击非法活动,如贩毒、走私、恐怖主义和非法武器交易。