Duttur - Wikipedia
Duttur (Sumerian language:𒀭𒁍𒁺, d BU-du [1]) was a Mesopotamian goddess best known as the mother of Dumuzid. She frequently appears in texts mourning his death, either on her own or alongside Geshtinanna and Inanna .
Duttur | ancient goddess | Britannica
…and his mother, the goddess Duttur, was a personification of the ewe. His own name, Dumu-zid, and two variant designations for him, Ama-ga (Mother Milk) and U-lu-lu (Multiplier of Pasture), suggest that he actually was the power for everything that a shepherd might wish for: grass to come up in… Read More
Most literary texts found at Assur are copies of Babylonian originals. This theogony is both an account of the descent of the gods from the first pair and a succession myth, in that the male of each pair holds power until he is deposed.
尼比鲁众神的关系(地球编年史) - 哔哩哔哩
Ninurta 宁努尔塔:恩利尔的嫡子,恩利尔与宁玛所生;剿灭抢走命运书板的安祖,与马杜克开战;在美洲建造太空设施的时候找到了新的金矿;拉迦什的庇护神。 Bau 巴乌:宁努尔塔的配偶,一位治疗师。 Nannar 南纳:恩利尔和宁利尔的儿子,地球上出生的首位阿努纳奇,乌图和伊南娜的父亲。 Ningaer 宁迦尔:南纳的配偶,乌图和伊南娜之母。 Ishkur 伊什库:恩利尔的幼子,宁利尔所出 。 Utu 乌图:伊南娜的孪生兄弟;吉尔迦美什的教父。 Inanna 伊南娜:南纳和宁迦尔的 …
Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses - Geštinanna/Belet-ṣeri (goddess)
She is the daughter of the goddess Durtur(Turdur/Duttur) (Edzard 1957-71: 300). In the pantheon of the city-state Lagaš, she is referred to as the wife of the god Ningišzida . Beginning in the Old Babylonian period, she is also identified with the underworld goddess Belet-ṣeri ("Lady of the steppe") (ibid. 301).
Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses: 34 Deities of the Tigris and …
2024年2月8日 · Family Tree: Enki and Duttur are his parents. His sister is Geshtinanna. He is the consort of the goddess Inanna. Fun Fact: Spoiler alert – this god failing to mourn his spouse got him thrown in the Underworld for half a year. Dumuzid is …
Sirtur - Thalia Took
Sirtur (also known as Duttur) is a Mesopotamian Goddess of sheep; Her name could also be represented by the sign for ‘ewe’. She is the mother of Dumuzi, the shepherd God, as well as the mother of Geshtinanna, the Goddess of the vine.
Duttur — Wikipédia
Duttur est la déesse sumérienne de la chèvre, et patronne des troupeaux. Dans le mythe « Le Rêve de Dumuzi », elle est la mère de Dumuzi et de Geshtinanna [1], [2].
About: Duttur - DBpedia Association
2022年5月12日 · Duttur (Sumerian language:𒀭𒁍𒁺, dBE-du) was a Mesopotamian goddess best known as the mother of Dumuzid. She frequently appears in texts mourning his death, either on her own or alongside Geshtinanna and Inanna. It is …
Is there a default version of Dumuzid's parents?
Well, there is a default version of his mother, at least: almost always the otherwise irrelevant goddess Duttur/Durtur/Turtur (outdated reading disproved based on phonetic Akkadian spelling: Sirtur) is cast in this role. She is very sparsely attested aside from appearing in compositions where she mourns Dumuzi.