DUX M53冲锋枪 - 火器百科 - huoqibaike.club
DUX M53冲锋枪是二战后联邦德国国防军装备的第一代冲锋枪,产量不大。 DUX M53冲锋枪最早的策划者是威利.道格斯,在第二次世界大战结束后,此人携带芬兰M44冲锋枪的图纸逃离芬兰,在西班牙遇到了奥维多兵工厂的设计师路德维德.沃格里勒姆,后者根据前者提供的图纸研发了一支新式冲锋枪。 1951年,奥维多兵工厂制造了10支样枪,命名为DUX M51冲锋枪,次年12月,道格斯将其中一支样枪交给联邦德国一支边防部队试用,并得到了德军认可,下了1000支样枪的订 …
DUX submachine gun - Wikipedia
The DUX-53 and DUX-59 were submachine guns manufactured at the Oviedo Arsenal in Spain. They were based directly on the design of the Finnish 9mm Model 44 submachine gun, which in turn was based on the Soviet PPS-43.
Dux M53, M59 - Modern Firearms
DUX submachine guns are simple blowback operated, full-automatic only weapons that fire from open bolt. Receivers and barrel jackets are formed from stamped steel and welded. DUX M53 submachine gun had cocking handle on the right side, while DUX M59 has …
The Dux 53 post-war SMG with a troubled history (1951 - 1959)
2019年9月25日 · The Dux submachine gun was a rather unremarkable submachine gun with an interesting history behind it. It started life as the Finnish KP/44 submachine gun, which was little more than a clone of the Soviet PPS-43 converted to 9x19mm, designed as a cheap replacement for the expensive Suomi KP/31.
Subfusiles: DUX Modelo 1953 y 1959 (Alemania/España)
La metralleta modelo DUX 53 fue un interesante diseño "internacional". Tiene sus raíces en el subfusil soviético Sudaev PPS-43 , que fue copiado en Finlandia como Tikkakoski M/44, con algunas modificaciones (incluyendo el cambio de calibre 9 mm y la adaptación al uso de cargadores tipo Suomi).
DUX — Википедия
Dux M53 оснащён автоматикой со свободным затвором, стрельба ведётся с открытого затвора только очередями. Ствольная коробка стальная, цельноштампованная. Предохранитель находится перед спусковой скобой. Приклад М53 стальной, складной вверх-вперёд. Прицельные приспособления с перекидным целиком и мушкой в …
DUX submachine gun | Military Wiki | Fandom
The DUX-53 and DUX-59 were submachine guns designed at the Oviedo Arsenal in Spain. They were based directly on the design of the Finnish 9mm Model 44 submachine gun, which in turn was based on the Soviet PPS-43.
Deactivated DUX M53 SN. 0132 - dandbmilitaria.com
Deactivated Rare West German DUX M53 9mm Sub Machine Gun. New spec, in excellent condition. The foresight is missing, hence price. The DUX M53 was made in Spain for the West German Border Police in the mid-1950s. This was because at the time, Germany was not allowed to produce its own weapons.
德国(含东德) - 火器百科 - huoqibaike.club
dux m53冲锋枪 毛瑟mp57冲锋枪 毛瑟mp60冲锋枪 厄玛mp60冲锋枪 瓦尔特mpl和mpk冲锋枪 mp5冲锋枪 西格-绍尔mpx冲锋枪. 步枪 火枪. 波茨坦火枪. 普通步枪. 德莱塞针发枪 福尔莫m35机关卡宾枪 g3步枪 g41半自动步枪 gerät 03半自动步枪 m1888委员会步枪 毛瑟m1871步 …
PPS submachine gun - Wikipedia
The PPS (Russian: ППС – "Пистолет-пулемёт Судаева" or "Pistolet-pulemyot Sudayeva", in English: "Sudayev's submachine-gun") is a family of Soviet submachine guns chambered in 7.62×25mm Tokarev, developed by Alexei Sudayev as a low-cost personal defense weapon for reconnaissance units, vehicle crews and support service personnel. [1]
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