GitHub - bytedance/DWSF: code repository for Practical Deep …
To overcome these limitations, we propose a blind watermarking framework (called DWSF) which mainly consists of three novel components, i.e., dispersed embedding, watermark synchronization and message fusion.
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To overcome these limitations, we propose a blind watermarking framework (called DWSF) which mainly consists of three novel components, i.e., dispersed embedding, watermark synchronization and message fusion.
【阅读笔记】《Practical Deep Dispersed Watermarking with …
本次研究的论文《Practical Deep Dispersed Watermarking with Synchronization and Fusion 》由字节跳动产品安全多媒体与AI安全团队发表于 ACM MM 2023,提出了一种基于深度学习的图像离散水印方案 (DWSF),该方案能够有效提高图像水印在实际应用中的鲁棒性和隐蔽性,可促进深度图像水印技术在数字版权、内容可信和数据安全等防护体系建设中发挥作用。 具体来说,给定任意分辨率的覆盖图像,采用 离散嵌入 方案,稀疏且随机地选择几个固定的小尺寸覆盖块,以通 …
DWSF: code repository for Practical Deep Dispersed …
To overcome these limitations, we propose a blind watermarking framework (called DWSF) which mainly consists of three novel components, i.e., dispersed embedding, watermark synchronization and message fusion.
ACM顶会 | 提升数字水印鲁棒性和隐蔽性的分析研究 - FreeBuf网络 …
2023年8月15日 · 针对深度图像水印在实际应用场景中面临的挑战,多媒体与AI安全团队 研发了一套原创的深度图像水印技术框架(DWSF),不仅在图像视觉隐蔽性、文件体积增长率方面达到了极好的效果,而且提 升了深度学习水印在几何变换攻击、混合攻击等众多攻击场景下的鲁棒性。 在当前多种深度学习图像水印技术中,DWSF水印技术在多方面的测试中均达到最佳性能。 为了解决现有深度图像水印技术在实际应用场景中的诸多弊端,论文提出了一套原创的深度图像水印 …
【读论文】水印 | 郭飞的笔记
2023年11月4日 · 本文提出了 DWSF(Dispersed Watermarking with Synchronization and Fusion)。 嵌入阶段:将水印分散嵌入到封面图像的多个子区域中。 从封面图像中稀疏且随机地选择几个小尺寸的封面块,然后通过一个与解码器和抵抗非几何攻击的噪声层共同训练好的编码 …
Practical Deep Dispersed Watermarking with Synchronization and …
2023年10月27日 · To overcome the above limitations, we propose a practical deep Dispersed Watermarking with Synchronization and Fusion, called DWSF. Specifically, given an arbitrary-resolution cover image, we adopt a dispersed embedding scheme which sparsely and randomly selects several fixed small-size cover blocks to embed a consistent watermark message by a ...
字节跳动水印技术论文入选ACM多媒体顶会数字水印致力于解决高 …
2023年8月25日 · 针对深度图像水印在实际应用场景中面临的挑战,多媒体与ai安全团队研发了一套原创的深度图像水印技术框架(dwsf),不仅在图像视觉隐蔽性、文件体积增长率方面达到了极好的效果,而且提升了深度学习水印在几何变换攻击、混合攻击等众多攻击场景下的鲁 ...
Department of Workforce Services
Search our robust job board of more than 35,000 open jobs in a variety of fields. As an employer, fill your open position with more than 200,000 active job seekers in our system. You can also …
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) | US EPA
2025年1月22日 · EPA announces latest round of funding to replace lead pipes, protecting public health and helping to deliver safe drinking water. EPA is also releasing a new memorandum that clarifies how states can use this and other funding to most effectively reduce exposure to lead in drinking water and has developed new outreach documents.