DxH 520: Low-Volume Lab Physician Office | Beckman Coulter
The DxH 520 is a 5-part differential closed tube hematology analyzer, designed to help your low-volume laboratory enhance patient care through increased productivity with reduced costs. The system delivers critical results the first time with accuracy, with as little as 375 µL tube fill-volume and an aspiration of only 17 µL—ideal for ...
Within this Workbook you will find guidelines for evaluating your new analyzer. You will find procedures and worksheets to assist you with each stage of the verification process. Please note that the procedures provided outline the general steps …
Beckman Coulter DxH 520 Hematology Analyzer - CardiacDirect
The Beckman Coulter DxH 520 Hematology Analyzer is a 5-part differential closed tube hematology analyzer that is designed to help your low-volume laboratory enhance patient care through increased productivity with reduced costs.
自动化血细胞分析仪 - DxH 520 - Beckman Coulter - 紧凑型 / 带触 …
DxH 520 是一款由 5 个部分组成的差分闭管血液分析仪,旨在帮助您的低容量实验室通过提高生产率和降低成本来加强对患者的护理。 该系统能在第一时间准确地提供关键结果,试管填充量低至 375 µL,抽吸量仅为 17 µL,非常适合儿科或难以抽取的样本。
Hematology Analyzer DxH 520 CLIA Non-Waived - McKesson
DxH 520 enables low-volume laboratories to deliver 5-part differential test results in 60 seconds or less Proprietary dynamic gating Automated cleaning cycle
Beckman Coulter DxH 520 Hematology Analyzer System - Ferus …
The Beckman Coulter DxH 520 is a 5-part differential closed tube hematology analyzer. It’s designed for low-volume laboratories, aiming to enhance patient care by increasing productivity and reducing costs. This system can deliver critical results with accuracy on the first run.
DxH 500 Series Hematology Analyzers - Beckman Coulter
Use these small yet sophisticated hematology analyzers to deliver a high-quality CBC and full 5-part differential with only - 12μL (DxH 500) or 17μL (DxH 520 & DxH 560) of sample. Our DxH 500 Series include DxH 500, DxH 520, and DxH 560.
DxH 520 Hematology Analyzer | SelectScience
2024年2月19日 · The DxH 520 is a 5-part differential closed tube hematology analyzer, designed to help your low-volume laboratory enhance patient care through increased productivity with reduced costs. The system delivers critical results the first time with accuracy, with as little as 375 µL tube fill-volume and an aspiration of only 17 µL—ideal for ...
- 评论数: 38
為評估 dxh 520 的參考區間,從至少240個健康且年齡約在22‐65歲的成年捐贈者(包含男性和女性)收集全血檢 體。依照clsi ep28‐a3c24指引來選擇健康捐贈者。此區間為成人預設參考值。依據病患群體的不同可能會有數值 差異。
Beckman Coulter DxH 520 Low-Volume Hematology Analyzer
DELIVER HIGH-QUALITY RESULTS The DxH 520 low-volume system provides accuracy through Coulter Principle technology and Axial Light Loss (ALL) for a 5-part white blood cell (WBC) differential. Proprietary dynamic gating increases the automated differential accuracy, delivering more reportable results with less unnecessary flagging.
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