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Hangul Syllable Dyuj (U+B4D6) - UnicodePlus
The unicode character U+B4D6 (듖) is named "Hangul Syllable Dyuj" and belongs to the Hangul Syllables block. It is HTML encoded as 듖.
U+B4D6 HANGUL SYLLABLE DYUJ: 듖 – Unicode – Codepoints
U+B4D6 was added in Unicode version 2.0 in 1996. It belongs to the block Hangul Syllables in the Basic Multilingual Plane. This character is a Other Letter and is mainly used in the Hangul script. The glyph is a canonical composition of the glyphs Hangul Syllable Dyu, Hangul Jongseong Cieuc. Its East Asian Width is wide.
“듖” U+B4D6 Hangul Syllable Dyuj Unicode Character - Compart
U+B4D6 is the unicode hex value of the character Hangul Syllable Dyuj. Char U+B4D6, Encodings, HTML Entitys:듖,듖, UTF-8 (hex), UTF-16 (hex), UTF-32 (hex)
듖 - Hangul Syllable Dyuj, Unicode Number: U+B4D6 Symbol …
Discover the meaning and copy the symbol 듖 Hangul Syllable Dyuj on SYMBL ( ‿ )! Unicode number: U+B4D6. HTML: 듖. Subblock “” in Block “Hangul Syllables”. Find out where and how to use this symbol!
U+B4D6 , 듖 , is called "HANGUL SYLLABLE DYUJ", a letter, within the 'Hangul Syllables' block (U+AC00 through U+D7AF) Input Character set up to date to Unicode 12.
𥖭_汉字「𥖭」的拼音_𥖭的解释_𥖭什么意思_𥖭念什么 - 国学大师
下载《汉字宝典》离线查询,支持部件查字和反查,反查就是根据解释查字。 完美显示所有汉字,无乱码。 浏览器滚动条滚动到底,即可显示剩下的工具书。
듖 U+B4D6 HANGUL SYLLABLE DYUJ - Unicode Explorer
듖 U+B4D6 HANGUL SYLLABLE DYUJ, copy and paste, unicode character symbol info,