Dyula people - Wikipedia
Characterized as a highly successful merchant caste, Dyula migrants began establishing trading communities across the region in the fourteenth century. Since business was often conducted under non-Muslim rulers, the Dyula developed a set of theological principles for Muslim minorities in non-Muslim societies.
迪尤拉人 - 百度百科
迪尤拉人早在古代加纳帝国时期就是活跃的黄金贸易商人。 亦作Diula、Dioula或Jula。 在马利帝国的统治下,他们把南部林地黄金产区与苏丹西部及北非的交易网串连起来,使这项商业活动 …
Northeast Ivory Coast - Timothy S. Y. Lam Museum of Anthropology
In Ivory Coast, Dyula artists are most famous for their weaving and dying, though they also create metalwork and pottery. Politically, Dyula communities have both hierarchical and communal elements. Dyula society is traditionally structured around merchant guilds, with influential families holding considerable power.
Dyula - Economy - World Culture Encyclopedia
Yams, maize, sorghum, or millet were staple crops, depending on the location, supplemented by groundnuts, tomatoes, okra, and other vegetables. Tobacco, processed as snuff, was grown as a cash crop. The Dyula were extensively involved in weaving; they enjoyed a complete monopoly over the production of cloth among the Senufo.
Dyula | West African, Mande, Traders | Britannica
Dyula, people of western Africa who speak a Mande language of the Niger-Congo language family. Most are Muslims, and they have long been noted as commercial traders. The Dyula were active gold traders as long ago as the time of the ancient African kingdom of Ghana.
uvci/koumankan4dyula · Datasets at Hugging Face
Dioula is a low-resource language spoken by over 16.4 million people in several West African countries. This corpus is part of the Koumankan project, which offers a scalable and cost-effective method to expand the CommonVoice dataset to include …
AFRICA | 101 Last Tribes - Dyula people
The Dyula (Dioula or Juula) are a Mande ethnic group inhabiting several West African countries, including the Mali, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, and Burkina Faso. Characterized as a highly successful merchant caste, Dyula migrants began establishing trading communities
Leading Figures: Top 10 Renowned Dyula Personalities
2024年1月19日 · The Dyula, also known as the Juula, are a Mande-speaking ethnic group primarily located in Burkina Faso, Mali, Ivory Coast, and Ghana, with smaller populations in other West African countries. They are known for their significant contributions to trade and commerce in the region, as well as their rich cultural heritage.
Dyula - Encyclopedia.com
Dyula usually eat three meals a day, supplemented by snacks, which can be obtained from street vendors. Breakfast consists of porridge made from corn, rice, or millet. The midday meal is usually the most elaborate.
Dyula - History and Cultural Relations - World Culture …
As an ethnic minority and part of a trading diaspora, the Dyula stress their cultural differences with their immediate neighbors—for example, the Senufo, the Kulango, or the Abron. Many Dyula are nevertheless fluent in other local languages and have usually had a vested interest in remaining on good terms with their neighbors and political ...