Bra Sizes: Difference between Cup E and DD (Double D) - AskingBox
2015年11月3日 · I am a little confused about the cup sizes of bras. I know, that with increasing size there are the cups AA, A, B, C and D. But what is the next size after cup size D? Up to now, I have already seen both, bras with an E cup as well as D cups, that is double D. So, what size is there after D? E or DD? And what is the difference between the two ...
Font of the World Cup 2014 in Brazil - askingbox.com
There are two different fonts used for the World Cup 2014. Pagode Bold is used, for example, for the writing of "Brazil" at the official logo or for the names of the countries at the stadiums or the official map. For information graphics, the font Gotham is used. You can see it, for example, in the graphics showing the teams formation, the ...
Which delimiter for e-mails with multiple recipients? - AskingBox
2012年8月17日 · As a separator, you can use a comma or a semicolon. So, the characters , or ; with a space after them. It depends on the email client you are using whether you have to take a comma or a semicolon.
The Secure Password - AskingBox
2013年2月13日 · A secure password is increasingly important: e-mail accounts, online banking, PayPal, Facebook, Ebay and Co are secured by passwords. Who knows the name of the user and the corresponding password, can in most cases easily access these services and may do something that is not in the sense of the actual owner.
Football World Cup: How many times has the host nation won?
2018年9月28日 · Football World Cup: How many times has the host nation won? Question by Guest | Last update on 2022-12-20 | Created on 2018-09-28
E-Mail: Attachment "winmail.dat" instead of expected appendix
2015年3月5日 · A workmate wanted to send me some documents by e-mail. However, instead of the expected documents, the email only contained some strange files as an attachment. Among them were the files "winmail.dat", "body_part_0.html" and "body_part_1.vcf". Unfortunately, I cannot even open one of those files and I really do not know what that could mean.
E-Mail: Reply Address different from Sender Address - AskingBox
2015年9月8日 · So, always when getting an e-mail in this way and when clicking on "Reply", my own e-mail address is appearing in the recipient field, and of course, I do not want to send the e-mail to me again. Instead, I wish that when replying, directly at the e-mail address from the contact form should be used. That would save a lot of work.
Which player has twice won the Football World Cup?
There was only one single player in football history, who has won a Football World Cup for three times: Pelé: 1958, 1962 and 1970 for Brazil; However, Pelé was only in 1958 and 1970 on the square in the finals. In 1962, Pelé injured during the preliminary round in the second game and was not set afterwards.
PHP: Send Output of a Script by Mail - AskingBox
2015年2月4日 · In the following tutorial, I would like to show you a way, how to send the output of a PHP script via e-mail. This can be helpful, for example, if you would like to get some notification about the work and result of a cronjob. We will catch the output of the script by using Output Buffering and we will use the PHP function mail() for the mailing.
jQuery: Assign Action to Keyboard Keys (Keyboard Event)
2013年2月26日 · In this tutorial, I show you how to respond to a key press of a user on your website using jQuery. For example, e very time, when a specific key is pressed, a different action should be executed. We first take a look at how we can react to letter keys, then how we can also evaluate the pressing of special keys such as the arrow keys.