E (Cyrillic) - Wikipedia
Э э (Э э; italics: Э э; also known as backwards ye, from Russian е оборо́тное, ye oborótnoye, [ˈjɛ ɐbɐˈrotnəjə]) is a letter found in three Slavic languages: Russian, Belarusian, and West …
Ye (Cyrillic) - Wikipedia
E (Е е; italics: Е е), known in Russian and Belarusian as Ye, Je, or Ie, is a letter of the Cyrillic script. In some languages this letter is called E. It commonly represents the vowel [e] or [ɛ], …
Russian Keyboard Online • Cyrillic Alphabet - LEXILOGOS
Online keyboard to type a text with the Cyrillic characters of the Russian alphabet
List of Cyrillic letters - Wikipedia
This is a list of letters of the Cyrillic script. The definition of a Cyrillic letter for this list is a character encoded in the Unicode standard that a has script property of 'Cyrillic' and the general …
西里尔字母 - 百度百科
西里尔字母(俄文:Кириллица,英文:Cyrillic)源于希腊字母,普遍认为是由基督教传教士西里尔(827年–869年)在9世纪为了方便在斯拉夫民族传播东正教所创立的,被斯拉夫民族广泛 …
E (Cyrillic) - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cyrillic letter E; Phonetic usage: [e], [ɛ] The Cyrillic script; Slavic letters
西里尔字母 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
科学式转写 ( 英语 : Scientific transliteration of Cyrillic ) ,用于语言学界,以捷克语字母为基础。 联合国 罗马化系统工作组 [ 33 ] 建议分别为指定的语言制定不同的罗马化系统。
E (Cyrillic) - Wikiwand
Э э (Э э; italics: Э э; also known as backwards ye, from Russian е оборо́тное, ye oborótnoye, [ˈjɛ ɐbɐˈrotnəjə]) is a letter found in three Slavic languages: Russian, Belarusian, and West …
Ye | Letters Wiki | Fandom
Е (lowercase: е), also known as Ye (transliteration) or, in Russian and Belarusian, Je or Ie, is a letter of the Cyrillic script. In some languages, it is simply called E. It commonly represents the …
Ye (Cyrillic) - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yenyegibkoye (in Russian and Belarusian) (Е, Ǝ, е, ɘ), otherwise known as enegibko (in Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian, and Ukrainian) or simply ye or e, is the sixth letter of the …
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