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Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) provides natural gas and electric service to residential and business customers in northern and central California.
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yunlongyu/EPGN - GitHub
Tensorflow implementation of 'Episode-based Prototype Generating Network for Zero-Shot Learning' Exemplar commands are listed here for AwA1 dataset.
聚缩水甘油醚硝酸酯增塑剂的性能 - energetic-materials.org.cn
为了探究聚缩水甘油醚硝酸酯增塑剂(PGNN)在含能推进剂、高聚物粘结炸药(PBX)中应用的可能性,合成了不同数均分子量的PGNN,研究了增塑剂分子量与密度、黏度、玻璃化转变温 …
端环氧基聚缩水甘油醚硝酸酯的合成及固化 - 百度学术
针对聚缩水甘油醚硝酸酯 (PGN)与异氰酸酯固化反应易受环境水分影响,固化稳定性较差等问题,合成了端环氧基聚缩水甘油醚硝酸酯 (e-PGN).采用红外 (IR),核磁 (NMR)和凝胶渗透色谱 (GPC) …
Synthesis and Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Epoxy Poly …
2020年6月25日 · An energetic binder epoxy poly glycidyl nitrate (e-PGN) with a molecular weight of about 1244 gr/mol was synthesised via end modified poly glycidyl nitrate (PGN)...
氧基等反应性官能团的 pgn 或端环氧基 pgn (e‐PGN)可通过与异氰酸酯或环氧固化剂等反应固 化,形成具有一定力学性能的弹性体 [5-6] ,是推进剂和
端环氧基聚缩水甘油醚硝酸酯的合成及固化-期刊-钛学术文献服务 …
针对聚缩水甘油醚硝酸酯 (PGN)与异氰酸酯固化反应易受环境水分影响、固化稳定性较差等问题,合成了端环氧基聚缩水甘油醚硝酸酯 (e-PGN).采用红外 (IR)、核磁 (NMR)和凝胶渗透色谱 …
NOD1/2 Agonist | Ultrapure & soluble peptidoglycan from E
PGN-ECndss is an ultrapure preparation of peptidoglycan (PGN) from the Gram-negative Escherichia coli K12. PGN is a major component of the bacterial cell wall. It is mainly single …
NOD2 Agonist | Ultrapure peptidoglycan from E. coli K12
PGN-ECndi ultrapure from E. coli K12 is an insoluble preparation of PGN purified by detergent lysis and hydrolysis under basic conditions to eliminate lipophilic constituents. This PGN …
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