Haplogroup E-M123 - Wikipedia
In human genetics, Y Haplogroup E-M123 is a Y-chromosome haplogroup, and defined by the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mutation M123. Like its closest relatives within the larger E-M215 haplogroup, E-M123 is found in Asia, Europe and Africa.
FamilyTreeDNA Discover - Y-DNA Haplogroup E-M123
These 24 Y chromosome mutations are shared by everyone in this haplogroup. They show a paternal lineage of father-son relationships that have accumulated mutations over time. Learn …
E-M123 - 祖源树TheYtree(基因溯源,免费上树,电子家谱)祖 …
E-M123 - 祖源树TheYtree,也称 祖缘树 全球首个致力于基因寻根溯源服务的公益性网站,不分肤色,不分国籍,不分姓氏,只要你有做父系基因检测,都免费上祖源树,永不磨灭的电子家谱!
E-M123 YTree - yfull.com
Scientific sample prefixes and any related scholarly papers are listed here.
Uncover the Secrets of Paternal Haplogroup E-M123 - 23andMe
Haplogroup E-M123, also known as Haplogroup E-M96 (Y Chromosome Consortium long-form label), is a genealogical group of lineages defined by unique genetic markers present on the Y-chromosome.
Ethio Helix ኢትዮ:ሒሊክስ: YDNA E-M123; A closer look - Blogger
2014年2月21日 · E-M123 (as well as E-M34) was first discovered by Underhill (2000) and is found with a low to medium frequency distribution in East Africa and the Middle East, while it has a low frequency distribution in North Africa and Europe.
Y-chromosome E haplogroups: their distribution and implication …
2014年3月26日 · The arrival of the E-M35 and derived subclades, for example, E-M123/E-M34, to Arabia appears to be strongly linked to expansion into East Africa, North Africa, Europe, Southern Africa, an...
Origin, Diffusion, and Differentiation of Y-Chromosome Haplogroups E ...
2004年5月1日 · E-M123 (fig. 1G) is spread in the Near East and is also observed in North Africa and Europe but does not reach the western European regions. E-M281 and E-M329 are geographically restricted, having been seen only in Ethiopians (two subjects each).
New distribution map of haplogroup E-M123 - Eupedia
2013年9月26日 · To complete the series of main E1b1b subclades after E-V13 and E-M81, here is the map of E-M123, the most Middle Eastern of the three clades. I admit that I am a bit at a loss regarding its origin in Europe. M123 doesn't appear to be related to Neolithic cultures in the Balkans, which are almost exclusively E-V13 within haplogroup E.
In search of the genetic footprints of Sumerians: a survey of Y ...
2011年10月4日 · Haplogroup E, which characterizes 6.3% of Marsh Arabs and 13.6% of Iraqis, is represented by E-M123 in both groups, and E-M78 mainly in the Iraqis. Haplogroup R1 is present at a significantly lower frequency in the Marsh Arabs than in the Iraqi sample (2.8% vs 19.4%; P < 0.001), and is present only as R1-L23.