BMW 3 Series (E30) - Wikipedia
The BMW E30 is the second generation of BMW 3 Series, which was produced from 1982 to 1994 and replaced the E21 3 Series. The model range included 2-door saloon (sometimes referred to as a coupé) and convertible body styles, [4][5] as well as being the first 3 Series to be produced in 4-door saloon and wagon/estate body styles.
BMW 3 Series - E30 Market - CLASSIC.COM
The E30 was also the first generation of the BMW 3 Series to feature the M3, along with its well known M3 Evolution and M3 Sport Evolution variants. Due to their well-known drivability, many E30s were converted in Race Cars. Built until 1994, …
Your definitive 1982–94 BMW E30 3 Series buyer’s guide
2019年5月21日 · Few BMWs have attracted the same widespread affection from enthusiasts as the E30-generation 3 Series. Built between 1982 and 1994 (depending on the market), this small and square style icon was the entry point to yuppie-dom for thousands—and for many more, it was their gateway to the pleasures of European driving dynamics.
BMW 3 series E30 history and specs - BMW Guide
The BMW E30 is the second generation of the BMW 3 Series – an entry-level luxury car which was produced by BMW from 1982 to 1994. All the same but better! That was the slogan of the engineers and designers who worked on the second generation of the 3 Series.
50 Years of the BMW 3 Series: The E30 (Second Generation)
2025年2月14日 · The BMW E30 3 Series defined an era with its iconic design, versatile lineup, and legendary M3. Explore its history, performance, and lasting impact.
BMW E30 3 Series Buyers Guide – Why Should You Buy One Today - BMW BLOG
2020年6月12日 · BMW E30 3 Series was produced in many variations from 1984 to 1993. E30 range is recognised as a classic. Here is why you should buy one
BMW E30 3-Series 1983 - 1991 - Buyers Guide - MotorTrend
2016年3月28日 · It was the most powerful 3 Series to date, with 168 hp and 164 lb-ft of torque. The 325is and 325iC convertible further consolidated the car's reputation. This refresh changed the bumpers to...
宝马E30 E34 是你心中最棒的3系和5系吗 - 懂车帝
2022年5月15日 · BMW E30是BMW 3系的第二代,1982年至1994年生产,取代的是E21代3系。 E30 3系的开发始于1976 年 7 月,整体造型由首席设计师克劳斯·卢瑟负责,外观造型由博伊克·博耶主导。 E30 的设计过程,第一次使用了计算机辅助设计 (CAD)、碰撞测试和风洞测试,于 1982 年 11 月下旬发布。 BMW历史上制造了众多车型,但只有少数车型像E30 3 系列一样受到宝马车迷的广泛喜爱。 BMW E34是BMW 5 系的第三代,于 1987 年 11 月 2 日至 1996 年生产。 E34 …
那些惊艳了时光的老车-BMW 3系(E30) - 什么值得买
2023年10月10日 · BMW 3系(E30)是一款非常重要和经典的汽车型号,被认为是一代经典的原因有很多。 以下是它的一些主要特点以及成为经典的原因: 1. 后驱布局:E30采用了典型的 宝马 后驱布局,使得车辆在操控和驾驶动力方面表现出色。 这种布局提供了优越的平衡和操控性能,使得驾驶者能够享受到真正的驾驶乐趣。 2. 出色的悬挂系统:E30配备了精湛的悬挂系统,包括独立悬挂和前麦弗逊式悬挂,为车辆提供了卓越的悬挂性能和稳定性。 这使得它在转弯时表现出 …
第二代宝马3系-E30 - 百家号
2021年7月19日 · 宝马E30 M3使用了一款代号为S14的直列四缸自然吸气发动机,排量为2.3升。 5MT手动变速箱。 M3车重仅有1.2吨,零百加速仅需要6.5秒,最高时速250Km/h。 M3前后翼子板和后尾箱盖跟普通款明显不同,增加了前唇以及侧裙。 拥有一个带着M标志的三幅方向盘,没有气囊。 E30 M3有很多版本,除了普通版还有Evo I版, Evo II版和Sport Evo版,冠军车手签名版等. E30 M3赛车从1986年上市一直到1991年停产,在各类比赛中共获得25次冠军。 1988年,E30 …
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