C6 vs. 2003 BMW E39 - AudiWorld Forums
2007年3月29日 · E39 without sport suspension is a smoother car than the A6 w/o sport suspension. If you compare sport suspensions, the ride is about the same but the E39 handles a little better and has more driver feedback.
Audi RS4 vs BMW M5 - FastestLaps.com
Compare performance of BMW M5 (E39) and Audi RS4 (B7). Updated August 2024.
E39 vs A4 or A6 in terms of ownership experience.
2012年10月19日 · My wife has been wanting an Audi, either an A4 or an A6, between the 98-2004 year ranges. I was wondering if anyone here owns both an e39 and an A4 or A6 from those year ranges and know how it is compared to the e39 in terms of reliability, ease of diy work on the car, repair costs, common issues.
Bmw E39 520 與 Audi A6 選擇 - Mobile01
2013年1月16日 · 最近找2手車,發現2台不錯的車款, 不知應該選哪一台比較適合入手,還是還要再找找, 1.Audi A6: 03年款、2400CC、里程7萬多、2WD、外觀內裝都OK、2手車商販售、據車商描述原車主均回原廠保養、車主住內湖、車庫車,車主更換新奧迪車款。 2.Bmw E39 520:
E39 M5 or Audi S4 - Audizine
2008年2月25日 · I am currently debating if I should buy a used E39 M5 or a 07 S4? The cars seem to be performing very similar to each other , at least in terms of numbers. But I was hoping some S4 owners can give me some insider info as why I should chosse the audi. The obvious plus for the audi is the quatro, though I do like the bigger space in the M5.
Anyone go from an E39 M5 to an RS4? - AudiWorld Forums
2008年10月29日 · Considering moving from an M5 to the RS4 the performance is relatively similar. I really like the RS4, Audis for that matter, interior and exterior better than current BMWs. Power, more accurately the curve agility and flexibility, is fantastic. Motor just wants to go and go. The sales manager heard the Revo software really makes a big improvement.
老車開箱之 E39 530i - Mobile01
2011年6月1日 · e39 530 應該很搶手吧, 恭喜入手好車一部. 恭喜版大入手美車一台! 去年6月也在找這一款的530紀念版! 找了許久只有01年的530雖然馬力大!加速快~但內裝就是差了一點! 525的加速我覺得還蠻不錯的! 尤其是在中尾速! 530真的就只有猛而已! 顧的好!! 鋁圈式樣也很好看~ 去年底買的, 直到今... (恕刪) 去年底買的, 直到今... (恕刪) E39 真的是一部很經典的好車! 顧得好的E39不多了,恭喜樓主繼續永續它的經典! 呵呵!! 這代末期的時候 我還在開E38呢...恭喜大大!! 為提供 …
BMW E39 520i vs Audi A4 1.9TDi Quattro - YouTube
2012年4月23日 · FULL HD!SR Opening, 21. aprill 2012, Kiltsi
BMW E39 5 Series 530i 汽车规格和技术数据,规格和燃油消耗
BMW E39 5 Series 530i (2000 - 2003) - 岁 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
E39 Audio Question - BimmerFest BMW Forum
2024年1月7日 · For 'most' E39 owners looking to upgrade their audio to provide excellent SQ increase and performance increase with a nominal/healthy 'middle range' budget, there's a tried and tested route which when installed properly and well can sound absolutely fantastic and by using good quality, entry level speakers/amplifiers to perhaps mid level ones i ...