UBE3A - Wikipedia
Ubiquitin-protein ligase E3A (UBE3A) also known as E6AP ubiquitin-protein ligase (E6AP) is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the UBE3A gene. This enzyme is involved in targeting proteins for degradation within cells.
泛素连接酶表 | Cell Signaling Technology
E6-AP 是一种 HECT 结构域 E3 泛素连接酶,会与丙型肝炎病毒 (HCV) 核心蛋白相互作用,并靶向这种蛋白进行降解。 HCV 核心蛋白对包装病毒 DNA 和其他细胞进程非常重要。 E6-AP 还会与人乳头瘤病毒 16 和 18 型的 E6 蛋白相互作用,并靶向 p53 抑癌基因蛋白进行降解。 HACE1 是一种 E3 泛素连接酶,也是一种抑癌基因。 HACE1 的异常甲基化频繁在维尔姆斯瘤和结直肠癌细胞中被发现。 HECTD1 是神经管闭合和间质正常发育所必需的 E3 泛素连接酶。 HECTD2 是一 …
Ubiquitin ligase E6-AP and its role in human disease - PubMed
The ubiquitin ligase E6-AP (E6-associated protein) represents a prime example for the notion that deregulated modification of proteins with ubiquitin contributes to the development of human disease: loss of E6-AP function by mutation is responsible for the development of AS (Angelman syndrome), a neurological disorder, and unscheduled ...
Structural insights into the functional mechanism of the ubiquitin ...
2024年4月26日 · Here we show that E6AP and the E6AP/E6 complex exist, respectively, as a monomer and a dimer of the E6AP/E6 protomer. The short α1-helix of E6AP transforms into a longer helical...
E6-associated protein (E6-AP) is a dual function coactivator of …
E6-AP is a hect (homologous to E6-associated protein carboxy-terminal domain) domain containing E3 ubiquitin ligase that possesses two independent separable functions; a coactivation function and an ubiquitin-protein ligase activity. Being a component of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, it is postulated that E6-AP may orchestrate the dynamics ...
Structural dynamics of the E6AP/UBE3A-E6-p53 enzyme-substrate …
2018年10月25日 · Deregulation of the ubiquitin ligase E6AP is causally linked to the development of human disease, including cervical cancer. In complex with the E6 oncoprotein of human papillomaviruses, E6AP...
Structure of E3 ligase E6AP with a proteasome-binding site provided by ...
2020年3月10日 · Regulated proteolysis by proteasomes involves ~800 enzymes for substrate modification with ubiquitin, including ~600 E3 ligases. We report here that E6AP/UBE3A is distinguished from other E3...
Nat Commun :上海药物所揭示E6AP活性动态调控分子机制 - 生 …
2024年5月15日 · 该研究利用冷冻电镜技术分别解析了E6AP和E6结合E6AP不同构象复合物结构,并结合分子动力学模拟分析和生化实验,系统揭示了E6AP活性动态调控的分子机制。 E6AP是HECT型泛素连接酶家族的创始成员,最初因与人乳头瘤病毒(human papillomavirus, HPV)的癌蛋白E6相互作用而被发现。 来自高危型HPV的E6会劫持E6AP的泛素连接酶活性,导致肿瘤抑制因子p53的异常泛素化与降解,其结果与多种HPV阳性癌症的发生发展有关,包括超过90%的宫 …
E6AP in the Brain: One Protein, Dual Function, Multiple Diseases …
2013年10月5日 · In this review, we delineate genetic and biochemical knowledge of E6AP and we focus on its role in the pathobiology of neuro-developmental and neuro-aging diseases; bringing to light important gaps of knowledge related to the involvement of its well-studied ligase function versus the much less studied nuclear receptor transcriptional coactivatio...
Genetic ablation of the steroid receptor coactivator-ubiquitin …
The E6-associated protein (E6-AP), although originally identified as a ubiquitin ligase, has recently been shown to function as a coactivator of steroid receptor-dependent gene expression in in vitro assays. In order to determine whether E6-AP acts as a …