LGV - Laser Guided Vehicles - E80 Group
LGVs (Laser Guided Vehicles) are one of the core products of E80 Group. Our LGVs are not automated forklift trucks (FLTs), but precision machines designed from the start to finish for reliability and safety necessary in an industrial automated system.
Laser Guided Vehicles - E80 Group
Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and Laser Guided Vehicles (LGVs) are reliable, fast, and flexible systems that provide the highest level of efficiency and safety, reducing time, cost, and margin of error within any automated industrial system.
unicorn lgv The Unicorn is one of our most innovative patented solutions and is designed to improve the management and automated movement of parent reels. This solution system incorporates two chucks that engage the inside of the reel core and can lift and deposit reels either vertically or horizontally.
AGVs-to-optimize-efficiency - e80authoritysite
3D mapping technology enables E80 Group to optimize AGV and LGV trajectories within running plants and distribution centers without interrupting operations or production, thereby minimizing costs and timing.
The advantages of warehouse automation - e80authoritysite
Perfectly integrated with LGV/AGV technology, E80 warehousing solutions optimize internal plant logistics management, flows, storage, and costs. Thanks to laser-guided vehicles (LGVs), it is possible to safely automate all types of racks and warehouses by synchronizing different systems: processing, packaging, end-of-line, warehousing, and ...
内部物流解决方案提供商E80 :激光制导车+人工智能
2024年1月11日 · 意大利E80 集团(E80 Group)最初名为 Elettric80,是一家专门从事自动化集成内部物流解决方案的著名公司,主要服务于消费品制造商。 该公司成立于 1980 年,总部设在意大利维亚诺,在食品、饮...
LGV(Laser Guided Vehicle)自動搬送リフト | 物流倉庫プランナーズ
E80グループのLGV(自動搬送リフト/Laser Guided Vehicle)は工場内における全ての物流工程(原料・資材搬送、製品搬送等)を自動化するために設計されています。
Veicoli a guida laser + IA: la smart factory secondo E80
2024年1月5日 · Come si producono e innovano gli Lgv a Viano? E80 Group ha chiuso il 2022 con ricavi a 389 milioni di euro, «nel 2023 ci aspettiamo fra i 500 e i 550 milioni». I settori principali a cui si rivolge sono food, beverage e carta. Ma la nostra tecnologia è applicabile in tutti i settori
This LGV with extensible forks, that are capable of moving products from one area of a plant to another, is also an excellent automatic truck-loading system. Advantages: Flexibility. Efficiency. The Dual Drive model is also capable of working inside Twin-Load warehouses, i.e. systems in which two pallets of product can be stored simultaneously.
Laser-guided vehicles - Plant Engineering
2022年1月11日 · Introduced for use with LGVs by E80, lithium flash battery technology, developed by Flash Battery Srl, provides a higher level of performance than other batteries for industrial vehicles. Flash battery technology uses the latest in lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) chemistry, which delivers low toxicity, well-defined performance and long-term ...