[hep-th/9806094] The Heterotic String, the Tangent Bundle, and …
1998年6月11日 · We consider the compactification of the E8xE8 heterotic string on a K3 surface with "the spin connection embedded in the gauge group" and the dual picture in the type IIA string (or F-theory) on a Calabi-Yau threefold X.
[hep-th/9606133] F-Theory Duals of Nonperturbative Heterotic E8xE8 …
1996年6月20日 · We present a systematic way of generating F-theory models dual to nonperturbative vacua (i.e., vacua with extra tensor multiplets) of heterotic E8xE8 strings compactified on K3, using hypersurfaces in toric varieties.
Heterotic string theory - Wikipedia
In string theory, a heterotic string is a closed string (or loop) which is a hybrid ('heterotic') of a superstring and a bosonic string. There are two kinds of heterotic superstring theories, the heterotic SO (32) and the heterotic E 8 × E 8, abbreviated to HO and HE.
mathematical physics - Understanding Moonshine and Heterotic E8xE8 …
2019年1月25日 · Assuming the strongest condition is that the worldsheet CFT (?) must be built on an even, self-dual lattice of dimension 8k (in order to satisfy a modular invariant partition function), k=2 has of particular interest E8xE8, and in the case k=3 there is leech!
Non-generic Couplings in Supersymmetric Standard Models
2014年9月8日 · We study two phases of a heterotic standard model, obtained from a Calabi-Yau compactification of the E8xE8 heterotic string, in the context of the associated four-dimensional effective theories.
烧脑!弦理论和M理论:一场解释的宇宙大战:不是10维,而是11 …
2020年3月12日 · 如果你感兴趣,可以参考一下这五种弦理论的名字是:Type 1、Type IIA、Type IIB、SO (32)heterotic和E8xE8 heterotic。 它们显然不可能都是对宇宙的正确描述,但哪一种是“真正的”弦理论,哪一种是假的呢? 问题是弦理论是不完整的(今天仍然是),如没有弦理论的最终方程,用物理学家描述理论的方式来描述,就像爱因斯坦引力方程或麦克斯韦方程来描述电磁学一样。 理论物理学家只有希望,但无法证明接近实际理论的近似值。 因此,五种弦理论代表了 …
如何理解e8李群以及其预测未知粒子的作用? - 知乎
E8xE8是10维superstring的规范群。 在4维里面,我们标准模型是SU (3)xSU (2)xU (1)。 10维supertring在紧致化到4维之后,E8会分解到比如E6,然后E6包含标准模型的规范群,所以可以把E6作为一个大一统的群,也就是我们的标准模型包含在superstring里。
Constrains in E8xE8 heterotic superstring theory - Physics Forums
2018年2月12日 · Can someone at least gives a summary of the constrains in the E8xE8 heterotic superstring theory? Many sources are mostly outdated that was written decades ago when not much research were done yet in superstring theory. So is E8xE8 already refuted? Or to what degrees and what constrains?
Understanding Moonshine via Heterotic - Physics Stack Exchange
2019年1月26日 · Assuming the strongest condition is that the worldsheet CFT (?) must be built on an even, self-dual lattice of dimension 8k (in order to satisfy a modular invariant partition function), k=2 has of particular interest E8xE8, and in the case k=3 there is leech!
[0908.2034] Little heterotic strings - arXiv.org
2009年8月14日 · We discuss toroidal orbifolds of the E8XE8 heterotic string, in which the free fermionic Higgs-matter splitting is implemented by a shift in the internal lattice coupled with the fermion numbers of the gauge degrees of freedom. We consider models in which some choices of the orbifold result in the projection of the graviton.