Comparative genomic analysis of esophageal squamous cell …
2022年3月1日 · Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) and esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) are two subtypes of esophageal cancer with diverse epidemiology and pathogenesis as well as different molecular profiles. This review analyzes the genomic alterations in ESCC and EAC and summarizes the potential therapeutic targets of ESCC and EAC.
Biomarkers for Early Detection, Prognosis, and Therapeutics of ...
Esophageal cancer (EC) is the deadliest cancer worldwide, with a 92% annual mortality rate per incidence. Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) and esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) are the two major types of ECs, with EAC having one of the worst prognoses in oncology.
Integrated genomic characterization of oesophageal carcinoma
2017年1月4日 · We identified 90 ESCCs, 72 EACs (61 definite oesophageal and 11 probable oesophageal), 36 GEJ carcinomas of indeterminate origin, 63 gastric GEJ carcinomas (15 definite gastric and 48 probable...
The Pathologic and Molecular Landscape of Esophageal …
Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is the most common histotype, representing nearly 90% of all ECs, with a global incidence of 5.2 per 100,000 . Globally, ESCC is more common in men (69%) than women (31%) . There are marked geographic differences in …
Comparative transcriptome characterization of esophageal …
2023年1月1日 · Esophageal cancers are primarily categorized as esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) and esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC). While various (epi) genomic alterations associated with tumor development in ESCC and EAC have been documented, a comprehensive comparison of the transcriptomes in these two cancer subtypes remains lacking.
Oncogenic enhancers drive esophageal squamous cell ... - Nature
2021年7月22日 · The role of cis -elements and their aberrations remains unclear in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC, further abbreviated EC). Here we survey 28 H3K27ac-marked active enhancer profiles and...
Nat Commun | 复旦大学附属中山医院团队研究阐明早期食管癌的 …
2023年4月17日 · 根据肿瘤细胞的组织学亚型,ec可分为食管腺癌(eac)和食管鳞状细胞癌(escc),eac在西方国家更为普遍,escc则主要发生在东亚。 我国是EC高发国家,也是世界上EC新发病例最多的国家,中国ESCC发病率约占所有EC的88.8%。
食管癌新分类 | 生命奥秘
2017年1月16日 · 研究者们列出了escc、eac或两者中遗传改变的几条生物学途径,并确认了这两种疾病需要不同的治疗策略。 遗传拷贝数改变(染色体的大部分缺失或复制,改变基因表达水平)的分析揭示了ESCC和EAC中存在几种不同基因的高表达。
Comparative transcriptome characterization of esophageal …
2023年7月25日 · These findings suggest that ESCC and EAC may exhibit common and unique mechanisms involved in tumorigenesis. We conducted a comprehensive comparison of ESCC and EAC transcriptomes and uncovered shared and distinct transcriptomic signatures at …
2019年12月27日 · FDA已批准tislelizumab-jsgr(Tevimbra)单药用于既往接受过不含PD-1/PD-L1抑制剂的全身化疗的不可切除或转移性食管鳞状细胞癌(ESCC)成年患者。 监管决定得到了3期基本原理302研究(NCT03430843)数据的支持,在...