Panhard EBR - Wikipedia
The Panhard EBR (Panhard Engin Blindé de Reconnaissance, French: Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle) is an armoured car designed by Panhard for the French Army and later used across …
AMX-13 DCA SPAAG (1956) - tank-afv.com
The twin 30mm AA self propelled was a highly maneuverable armored vehicle for the defense low altitude troops defence within 1000 m. The AMX-13 DCA assumed forward air defense to …
Engin blindé de reconnaissance — Wikipédia
La France s'est, depuis 1935, signalée par la fabrication et l'utilisation d'une prolifique famille d'engins de reconnaissance blindés à roues, initiée par les réformes des divisions légères …
EBR与WEE去边胶的区别? - 知乎专栏
EBR,是在 晶圆旋涂 光刻胶之后立即去掉,专门的EBR喷嘴对晶圆边缘喷射去胶溶剂,如PGMEA等,喷嘴一般以一定的倾斜角度向外喷洒溶剂。 晶圆在旋转的过程中,离心力会将溶 …
Panhard EBR ETT (1957) - tank-afv.com
The Panhard EBR ETT was an APC derivative of the 1951 famous 4x4/8x8 French armoured car of the cold war. Tested but not adopted by the French Army, 28 were purchased in 1958 by …
EBR/WEE作用是什么?有何区别? - 知乎
软烘后,用PGMEA或EGMEA去边溶剂,喷出少量在正反面边缘出,并小心控制不要到达光刻胶有效区域;b、光学方法(Optical EBR)。 即硅片边缘曝光(WEE,Wafer Edge Exposure)。
AMX-13 - Wikipedia
The AMX-13 is a French light tank produced from 1952 to 1987. It served with the French Army, as the Char 13t-75 Modèle 51, and was exported to more than 26 other nations.
AMX-13 – Wikipedia
AMX-13 DCA 40 (AB 380) – Luftvärnskanonvagn med en 40 mm mle51 t1 (Bofors L/70) automatkanon. En prototyp kallad AB 380 byggd. Projektet startades 1951 av den franska …
Panhard EBR 75 — Википедия
Panhard EBR 75 — французский разведывательный бронеавтомобиль 1950-х годов. Разработан в 1945—1948 годах на основе сконструированного Луи Делагардом …
Improving the French tank. Part 5 - AMX 13 DCA 40 : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2022年12月25日 · the first SPAA that you really enjoy is the AMX 13 DCA 40 which is rank 4. personally, if i play the BR lower than the AMX 13 DCA 40, i simply use the AMX-13-M24 or …