Experimental Breeder Reactor I - Wikipedia
Experimental Breeder Reactor I (EBR-I) is a decommissioned research reactor and U.S. National Historic Landmark located in the desert about 18 miles (29 km) southeast of Arco, Idaho.
Experimental Breeder Reactor-I (EBR-I) - Idaho National Laboratory
3 天之前 · On December 20, 1951, EBR-I became the first power plant to produce electricity using atomic energy. In 1953, testing at EBR-I confirmed that a reactor could create (or breed) more fuel than it consumes. This pioneering reactor operated for 12 years before being shut down for the last time in December 1963.
9 Notable Facts About the World’s First Nuclear Power Plant - EBR-I
2019年6月18日 · Here are 9 notable facts about Experimental Breeder Reactor-I (EBR-I), the power plant that pioneered nuclear development: 1. EBR-I was a liquid metal-cooled fast reactor designed to demonstrate that it could create more fuel than it consumed.
2017年12月20日 · 点亮这4盏灯泡的,是美国爱达荷州的实验性增殖反应堆1号(Experimental Breeder Reactor No. 1 ,简称EBR-Ⅰ) 核能,就是指原子核裂开(核裂变)或者原子核聚在一起(核聚变)时所释放出来的能量,因此也被称为原子能。
實驗性滋生反應爐一號 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
實驗性滋生反應爐一號 (英語: Experimental Breeder Reactor I, EBR-I),是美國一座退役的研究用 核子反應爐 和 國家歷史名勝,位於 愛達荷州 布尤特縣 阿科市 (Arco)東南約18英里(29.0公里)的沙漠中。 它是世界上第一個 增殖反應堆 [3]。 1951年12月20日下午1點50分(UTC-7),它產生的電力足以照亮四個200瓦的 燈泡,成為世界上最早的 核電廠 之一 [4][5]。 EBR-I隨後產生了足夠的電力為其建築供電,並繼續用於實驗目的,直到1964年退役。 這座退 …
This historic reactor was developed, designed, and operated by Argonne National Laboratory from 1947 through 1963. EBR-I was also the first reactor to generate usable amounts of electricity on December 20,1951, less than ten years after the world’s first nuclear reactor was operated at Stagg Stadium in Chicago.
实验性滋生反应堆一号 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
实验性滋生反应堆一号 (英语: Experimental Breeder Reactor I, EBR-I),是美国一座退役的研究用 核子反应堆 和 国家历史名胜,位于 爱达荷州 布尤特县 阿科市 (Arco)东南约18英里(29.0千米)的沙漠中。 它是世界上第一个 增殖反应堆 [3]。 1951年12月20日下午1点50分(UTC-7),它产生的电力足以照亮四个200瓦的 灯泡,成为世界上最早的 核电厂 之一 [4][5]。 EBR-I随后产生了足够的电力为其建筑供电,并继续用于实验目的,直到1964年退役。 这座退 …
Behind the Scenes of an Unplanned Meltdown at America’s First …
2017年4月11日 · The federal government built EBR-I, as the reactor was called, in the desert of Idaho, not far from the city of Arco, as a proof-of-concept for intriguing ideas about nuclear power.
Experimental Breeder Reactor-I (EBR-I) is a Registered National Historic Landmark located at aboratory of U.S. Highway 20/26. While U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories continue to generate scientific and technological discoveries and engineer new energy sources, DOE has a responsibility to preserve key elements of
2001年11月2日 · evidence that sta-bility problems of metal-fueled cores could be corrected by mechanica design. The EBR-I operated for 12 years, and on December 30, 1963, it was officially shut down. On August 26, 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson presided