Epstein Barr Nuclear AG AB IGG result of over 600
2020年5月3日 · Hello, I am searching for information and also input because of my hideously high lab results for EBNA Nuclear AB IGG. My result was given as over 600. The range is less than …
Epstein Barr Nuclear AG AB IGG result of over 600
2020年5月3日 · EBV NUCLEAR IGG UNIT/VOL EXTERNAL U/mL Value 466.0 Standard Range 0.0 - 17.9 U/mL which means at some point I had mono. I was never ever diagnosed with it. …
Epstein Barr Nuclear AG AB IGG result of over 600
EA IGG Early active-your immune response is kicking in. Active infection. EBNA IGG-Present for life like VCA. B Cell/memory cell copy of nucleus protien made to kill virus. 95% of ppl have …
Epstein Barr Nuclear AG AB IGG result of over 600
2024年12月28日 · Hello, I am searching for information and also input because of my hideously high lab results for EBNA Nuclear AB IGG. My result was given as over 600. The range is less …
EBV Labs. Am I contagious, are results serious or am I crazy?
2023年6月21日 · NP tested me for EBV and ran labs through Quest in March. These are my tests results which came back positive on 4 titers: EBV Early Antigen D AB (IGG) 150 U/ml EBV …
Epstein Barr Nuclear AG AB IGG result of over 600
2020年5月3日 · EBV VIRAL CAPSID AG (VCA) AB (IGG)543.00 H U/mL EBV NUCLEAR AG (EBNA) AB (IGG)48.30 H U/mL INTERPRETATION:RECENT. Suggestive of a recent Epstein …
Epstein Barr Nuclear AG AB IGG result of over 600
2020年5月3日 · My EBV Nuclear Antigen, Ab, IgG lab value is greater than 600. The value for the Early EBV Titer, Ab, IgG, is elevated as well. My Neurologist recently diagnosed me with …
Chronic EBV IgM during years - Mayo Clinic Connect
Epstein Barr VCA IgG. 180,80Ui/ml Reference Value < 11,50. Epstein Barr Early Antigen 511,10Ui/ml Reference Value < 12,50. Epstein Barr EBNA. 654, 30Ui/ml Reference Value < …
Epstein Barr Nuclear AG AB IGG result of over 600
2020年5月3日 · The sole out of range result was EBV Nuclear Ag Antibody IgG (U/mL) test > 600. I googled + discovered the following info in a research article (link below), which I’m thinking …
Epstein Barr Nuclear AG AB IGG result of over 600
2020年5月3日 · My EBV is also over 600 and my numbers for Mycoplasma pneumoniae are just as high and have been high for a number of years. I also have the 11-3-52B multi-susceptible …