Homepage | EU Careers - Europa
5 天之前 · Are you looking for an exciting new career in a dynamic, fast-paced environment? Then look no further than the EU. Whether you're working for an EU institution or an EU agency, the EU offers a stimulating and challenging workplace for everyone.
EPSO account | EU Careers - Europa
About EPSO; Why an EU career? EPSO selection procedures; EU vacancies; Contact us
European Personnel Selection Office - Wikipedia
The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) is responsible for selecting staff to work for the institutions and agencies of the European Union including the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council of the European Union, the European Commission, the European Court of Justice, the Court of Auditors, the European External Action ...
Open for application | EU Careers - Europa
Are you looking for an EU career? Below you can find all the selection procedures managed by EPSO: Competitions for Permanent official and Contract agent selection tool (CAST) – with no deadline for application (Cast permanent). Select which one fits your skills and see how to apply.
EU careers : The European Personnel Selection Office is the place …
EU careers : The European Personnel Selection Office is the place to start! (bg) български (cs) čeština (da) Dansk (de) Deutsch (el) Ελληνικά (en) English (es) Español (et) eesti keel (fi) suomi (fr) Français (ga) Gaeilge (hr) hrvatski (hu) magyar (it) Italiano (lt) lietuvių (lv) latviešu (mt) Malti (nl) Nederlands (pl ...
Oficina Europea de Selección de Personal (EPSO) - European Union
La EPSO organiza oposiciones generales y procedimientos de selección para la contratación de candidatos para las instituciones, los órganos y las agencias de la UE, como por ejemplo: el Defensor del Pueblo Europeo. La EPSO tramita unas 46 000 candidaturas al año para aproximadamente 1 300 puestos en las instituciones de la UE.
European Personnel Selection Office – EPSO | European Union
EPSO processes some 46,000 applications a year for approximately 1,300 positions in the EU institutions. Testing is carried out in 24 languages - this is unique to the selection world. In addition, it manages a database of over 70,000 registered candidates for approximately 800 contractual positions a year under the Contract Agent Selection ...
Europäisches Amt für Personalauswahl (EPSO) - European Union
EPSO organisiert allgemeine Auswahlverfahren für die Bewerberinnen und Bewerber, die in den Organen, Einrichtungen und sonstigen Stellen der EU arbeiten wollen, zum Beispiel: EPSO bearbeitet rund 46 000 Bewerbungen pro Jahr für die Besetzung von rund 1 300 Stellen in den EU-Institutionen.
EU Careers by EPSO - LinkedIn
Welcome to the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO). EPSO’s core mission is to meet the EU institutions’ recruitment needs by selecting talented candidates through...
About EPSO | EU Careers - Europa
EPSO’s core mission is to meet the EU institutions’ recruitment needs by selecting talented candidates through generalist and specialist competitions...