Best EDM Festivals in Taiwan - Rave Life
The EDM festival circuit in Taiwan has become a must-visit destination for electronic music enthusiasts, featuring an array of unforgettable events that showcase both international headliners and local talent.
Ultra Taiwan - November 16-17, 2024
Ultra Taiwan - A 2-day event boasting the world's top EDM DJ's with unparalleled stage designs and top tier production.
EDM Music Festival Tickets in Taiwan 2025 - 2026 | JamBase
Find EDM music festivals in Taiwan.
【2024 Ultra Taiwan】世界級電音節11月登場!DJ卡司、售票資訊
2024年11月14日 · 世界級知名電音音樂節「Ultra Taiwan」將在11/16、17台北登場! 將會邀請眾多國際DJ來台演出,多種曲風分成多個舞台將帶給聽眾截然不同的音樂饗宴,舞台也有超多震撼的聲光特效,跟著音樂的節拍
葛西瓦首戰台東電音趴「喊話張惠妹」 韓國電音和尚也來了│TVBS …
2025年3月21日 · 第5屆「20245 MONSTER E-TIYALAND」台東電音派對將在4月盛大登場,卡司邀來原民金曲歌王葛西瓦、全球逾百場電音節演出經驗的A-DA、Molly以及電音女神 ...
今年壓軸最強電音派對Ultra Taiwan 11/16、17盛大回歸!DJ …
2024年9月27日 · 第四屆Ultra Taiwan將在今年11月16、17日週末兩天於台北市大佳河濱公園重磅回歸,今(27日)祭出首波頂級世界百大DJ卡司陣容,邀請以〈Let Me Love You〉紅遍全球的「法國流行電音教主」 DJ Snake (蛇爺)睽違6年再度來台,與「荷蘭電音王者」 Hardwell (硬威爾)、「德國電音情人」 Zedd (捷德)等台灣粉絲敲碗已久的三大世界百大DJ巨星領軍12組全球頂尖的DJ來台表演,帶領樂迷一起沉浸在音樂的狂歡中,享受最頂尖的表演與無與倫比的視 …
Electronic Concerts in Taipei | Buy Tickets 2024 & 2025 - Songkick
2024年11月6日 · Find tickets to all live music, concerts, tour dates and festivals in and around Taipei. Currently there are 6 upcoming events. Find Electronic concerts near you. Buy tickets for every upcoming concert, festival, gig and tour date taking place in Taipei.
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EDM TAIWAN_Official. 28,375 likes · 16 talking about this. FACEBOOK社團「EDM TAIWAN (電音)」唯一官方粉絲團。
EDM TAIWAN (電音) - Facebook
Thank you for joining EDM TAIWAN. ★★ 貼文前請務必詳讀置頂版規! 本社團宗旨為推廣EDM (Electronic Dance Music, 電子舞曲) 與聚集更多同好所成立。 希望電音同好們在此交流平台盡情分享交流任何電音相關的音樂訊息。 The purpose of the group is to promote EDM and gather more aficionados to be a great sharing platform for people who love EDM. Please feel free to share music and provide relevant events.
Ultra Taiwan: Best EDM Festival in Taiwan - Rave Life
Ultra Taiwan is a world-renowned music festival that takes place annually in Taipeh and is known for its impressive production values, elaborate stage design, and top-quality lineup of EDM music and other artists. Many people consider Ultra Taiwan to be one of the best music festivals in the world for a number of reasons, including: